Do you think the gender pay gap is an issue?

2016-05-05 11:03 pm

回答 (10)

2016-05-05 11:05 pm
Yes it is. I think it will change soon though
2016-05-05 11:19 pm
Yes, it's not fair, a modern day injustice.
2016-05-05 11:16 pm
Yes, in the sense that if a man and a woman are "equally qualified" as new hires, and have the same experience level, then there should be no pay discrepancy. This isn't 1950. Women work outside the home today in the biggest numbers ever. There is no legitimate reason for pay discrimination.
2016-05-05 11:05 pm
Of course
2016-05-05 11:04 pm
I don't have much of an opinion on it, because I'm not sure whether or not it really happens. Some people say women are paid less than men. Some say they're paid equally. I try to find out for myself, but I can't get a straight answer from the Internet,, if it does really happen, yes, it's certainly an issue.
2016-05-06 12:07 am
Nope. I think it doesn't exist due to discrimination but rather women making decisions that lead to less pay, (like working a comfortable, sit down job, with flexibility so they can manage other things in life more easily, rather than working long inflexible hours or taking more difficult positions, or going into a lower paying field, or working part time or no overtime.)
It also has to do with negotiation skills.
I'm a female, I know how to negotiate- so I have higher pay than some of my coworkers- some who are men. I've been willing to work hard and show my merit, and if they want me to take on more responsibility, I don't do it without a raise.

Anyway, I've read about these pay-gap stats, and I remain unconvinced about a case for discrimination.

The only personal discrimination I faced (and didn't overcome) was the other women in the office didn't like me and kept trying to start crap with me or make me look bad. I learned adults can be bullies. They held me back.
2016-05-05 11:07 pm
I am with Zeke on this one.

Per hour in the UK, the minimum wage is the same for both genders, but I think there are more women working part time than men, so obviously their annual wage would be significantly lower than males.
2016-05-05 11:06 pm
No, Woman get paid less because they aren't as qualified for high paying jobs.
2016-05-05 11:10 pm
2016-05-05 11:08 pm
No. The gender pay gap is simply the result of men and women's different choices. Women are not paid less for the same work, and no credible economist takes the wage gap as a sign of discrimination. We've had equal pay since the Equal Pay act was issued in the 60s. Obama even attempted to reinforce it with the Lilly Ledbetter law, but to no avail, because it's not a matter of discrimination.

When you account for things like hours worked, job tenure, salary negotiation, and more, the wage gap narrows to a few cents. But people still point to the remaining difference as being signs of sexism without any proof of it being sexism. Most wage gap factoids don't even compare the same jobs; they compare the total earnings of men vs the total earnings of women.

It's really an annoying thing to hear spouted over and over by gender activists who only read one or two trendy articles on something like Jezebel or Huffpost, rather than looking deeper into the causes of it. Or worse, they're taking Gender Studies and Sociology classes instead of STEM classes, and in doing so, help perpetuate the gap.

In countries where women have fewer rights and opportunities, the pay gap actually narrows. In places like Sweden and Norway, which are extremely progressive, the pay gap actually has widened because women have more opportunities and freedom to choose lifestyles that are more fulfilling.

I'll admit I once believed it, but it's so obviously misleading when you actually look into it. Really, take 10 minutes. If businesses could get away with paying women less for the same work, why wouldn't they fire all the men and only hire women to save money? The gender pay gap is a serious source of misinformation, and it really needs to stop being so misunderstood.

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