Hi! I'm bad at making important life decisions! What should I do with my life?

2016-05-05 4:55 pm

回答 (5)

2016-05-05 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When dealing with THE QUESTION (and most minor questions, come to think of it), think of the choices your heroes and role models would make. (That's why so many people wear those WWJD bracelets.) Plenty of people have grappled with the same question, made one of the many choices, and faced the consequences. Use that data to make the choice you can live with the most, and share with others the easiest. If you can see yourself succeeding, and can accept the failure, why not? (Unless this is about committing a crime. Don't do that. Or harming. We all deserve chances to try, to fail, to try again. So, no clubbing baby seals.) Life is good, or life's a good story. I'm biased toward giving it a shot, just to have something to talk about on the barstool. As always, the choice is yours...
2016-05-05 5:58 pm
Taking classes on how to improve decision making
2016-05-05 5:21 pm
go to school , get an education , and whatever makes u happy , and don't worry about what peo op le say
2016-05-05 4:59 pm
Do you mean like job wise? Why don't you take a career test. Your school counselor might have one, or you can find a free one online. That will give you more of an idea of what you would be suited for.

A lot of people don't decide their career path until their first or second year of college, so don't panic. Just start thinking more about it.
2016-05-05 4:58 pm
Thats something you need to ask yourself and think about hard

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