do I have iron deficiency?

2016-05-05 1:07 am
over the past few weeks (gradually) I have had the following symptoms: tiredness after about 5:00pm, cravings for ice and paper (etc.), headaches, and rapid heartbeats. I also have recently became a vegetarian so it would make sense that I don't get enough iron.

回答 (2)

2016-05-05 2:22 am
You get iron from beans and leafy veggies,cereals, as well as red meat. You can also take iron supplmenets.
2016-05-05 1:17 am
Veg's need to work harder at finding protein: cottage cheese, beans, cheese, tofu, yogurt...
For more energy, take Super B Complex vitamins.
Take vitamin D3 twice a day to eliminate headaches.
Entrust yourself to a good internist.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:27:14
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