Plan B, no side effects, help!?

2016-05-05 12:55 am
I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on April 29th around 3 am. My period usually comes around the 15th of every month and last up to 7 days. In the morning I went to buy Plan B contraceptive emergency pill and took it around 10 am. So it was within 7 to 8 hours. It s been 6 days now and I experience no side effects yet. I don t know if I should be worry or not. But I m trying not to stress myself out too much. I did not experience any spottings. I was just wondering if I should expect a little bit of blood for a couple days before my actual period week? I only have 11 days left till my period hits. I m getting really paranoid.

回答 (6)

2016-05-05 2:27 am obviously didn't read the instruction sheet that came with plan b. Everyone is different, you might experience some side effects or nothing at all. And you won't get your period in 11 days. Plan b messes up your cycle.
2016-05-05 1:12 am
You won't have your period in 11 days. Plan B messes up your cycle for 2-3 months. Having no side effects is fine.
2016-05-05 5:10 am
The "side effects" that you are still to experience could be that you will not have a period at all this month - and perhaps not next month either. THAT is the side effect that you can expect from Plan B - it messes up your menstrual cycle for up to 2 months.
You don't necessarily experience any "spotting" after you take Plan B.
參考: BIL is an OB/GYN
2016-05-05 1:28 am
take a preg. test to know for sure.
2016-05-05 1:10 am
I took Plan B twice and had no side effects at all... Are you worried that because you're not having side effects that it didn't work? Cause that's not how medicine works.
2016-05-05 1:09 am
Not everyone experiences the side effects so you shouldn't worry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:26:41
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