Do I claim my new baby on my taxes next year?

2016-05-05 12:32 am
I'm due in December and I'm wanting to know if I claim my new baby on taxes next year?? And how much do you usually get back for a new baby??

回答 (12)

2016-05-05 3:53 am
Due dates are not exact and do not matter for taxes.

If the baby is born in December or earlier, yes.
If the baby is born in January or later, no.

You get back nothing just for having a new baby.

Depending on the amount of your income, you may or may not get back more for having that income and a new baby than you would have gotten for just the income without the baby.
2016-05-05 6:21 am
If the baby is born in 2016, yes. No set amount, could be nothing, could be a few thousand dollars. depending on how much you earn from working.
2016-05-05 12:35 am
If you while is born on December 2016, then yes, you can claim your child for 2016 tax year in 2017. If born in January 2017' then you have to wait until 2018 to claim the child for the 2017 tax year.
2016-05-05 2:07 am
You claim the baby in the year she is BORN
2016-05-06 9:21 pm
As long as your baby is born between January 1st, 2016 and December 31st, can claim him or her for 2016 when you file in January 2017.
2016-05-05 5:24 pm
If the baby is born in 2016, you can claim the child on your 2016 return, even if born 12/31.

You don't get money back. You get a reduction in your taxable income.
2016-05-05 2:03 pm
Depends if you even owe taxes or had any withheld if you had more withheld than your tax for the year you get a refund. Try filling out a tax form for this year on last year's forms to see where you stand, has the forms.
2016-05-05 12:35 am
If the baby is born in December, someone--including you--may be able to claim the child on their taxes. That includes being eligible for HOH, EIC, child tax credit and child care credit.

As for how much you get back, that depends on total income, earned income and filing status. Some people get $0. Some get $1000 some get more.
2016-05-05 3:52 pm
if you have the child by 11:59 PM Dec 31, 2016 you can claim the child on your income tax return for 2016
you are allowed a personal exemption of $4050, the same as yours but this is NOT a refund
the child tax credit is also NOT a refund
the only place you might see any actual money for the child is the amount attributed in the EIC you might be eligible for that represents a child
as yet the gov't is not paying you to have children
2016-05-05 12:58 am
If he makes an appearance on or before January 1,, You claim him as if he lived the entire year. Worth about $2500 or so depending on your income and status.

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