How long should a person wait?

2016-05-04 8:22 pm
If someone has been ill since the age of eleven, over half their life, with treatment-resistant depression and schizophrenia, how long should they wait for some sort of happiness before they destroy themselves and everyone around them?

The schizophrenia is under control, but the depression isn't.

回答 (4)

2016-05-04 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How long can you wait to do something that would gladden the heart of your friends and loved ones? Just how have you helped people? Is there a way that you can live so that they will be glad you are around? I think if you study the above questions honestly you will loose your desire to find the answer to your question.
2016-05-04 8:59 pm
If you are just sitting around waiting for happiness to bust through your front door and find you... you will be waiting forever. If you really want to find happiness you have to go look for it. Happiness is not the default position anyway. It's a fleeting emotion.. like sadness, anger, fear..... Your life is entirely dependent on you. You can not possible have tried all available medications.... what about ECT? If you are giving up the it's on you.
2016-05-04 8:32 pm
I assume you are that person. Someone with depression and schizophrenia can have a decent life. Happiness is an illusion, strive for being content. If you chase after happiness, you will never get there.

Are you treating with a psychiatrist and getting therapy? Because you need both. If what the shrink is doing isn't helping you, then change shrinks. Consider going to a nearby medical school. They will have the latest treatments and ensure you are diagnosed properly.
參考: Mental patient advocate.
2016-05-04 8:24 pm
If you had schizophrenia he wouldn't have been able to type this the way you did you wouldn't even understand that your you

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