Hypothetical of course.?

2016-05-04 4:19 pm
If I feel like a woman trapped inside of a man’s body, and want to identify as a woman, dress like a woman, then ultimately be accepted as a woman, would I be judged differently if I beat the crap out of my wife?

回答 (6)

2016-05-04 4:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No. But they'd let you use the Ladies' restroom at the police station if you wanted to.
2016-05-04 5:19 pm
Domestic violence is domestic violence, no matter who's doing it.
2016-05-04 4:41 pm
You mean would you still get away with violence against women just like regular men do? You so would, we live under systemic misogyny.
2016-05-04 10:28 pm
Obviously not
2016-05-04 5:30 pm
2016-05-04 5:23 pm
as always, it depends.

consider the attached video of a man dressed like a woman putting his hands on and threatening a man on national television. the social pushback was almost non-existent.

but the man in a dress attacked another man, not a woman.

be careful...


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