3 yr old not really clear with speech?

2016-05-04 2:01 pm
My son is almost 4. His speech is not really clear. I just got him into head start a few months ago and he's made a HUGE improvement. He knows his name, others names, all shapes colors, he knows his alphabets his numbers. He can tell me what he wants and I understand his father understands. He speaks and talks all day long "mom it's a horse" "Ma look at the dump truck" "it's a fireman at the fire station with a police officer" all this we understand. He even knows his planets. But when it comes to conversations he's not clear.. and when u ask what he says trying to understand he grows frustrated. Like I said, in the beginning of last year and even this year my child was limited in what he could say but how can I help him be more clear? I want him to be able to tell me how his day was or if something happened to him .. I'm a proud mommy but other 3/4 yr olds on his class hold whole clear conversations

回答 (6)

2016-05-04 2:29 pm
You can go to your local school district and ask for an early childhood screening. They will provide this free in most districts and will assess his skills and abilities and will offer help if he is lagging in anything. Do NOT wait until he starts school, which is a long way away yet. Get it addressed now, so that if he needs extra help he can be getting and and be ready for school.
2016-05-04 6:51 pm
Some kids of that age speak clearly...others don't...have you had his hearing checked? Do you speak clearly? As a infant teacher many years ago...kids speak as their parents do....unless their hearing is impaired....a lot get glue-ear when they start school...hope that helps.

Mo Ma and Grandma
2016-05-04 5:10 pm
Your local school district offers free speech evaluations. Call the local school district special education department and ask about a speech evaluation for your preschooler. The local public school offers special needs services for kids age 3 -21. (speech is considered a special need service). Head Start also offers speech services and evaluations.
He is also only three. He may still be growing, a late bloomer. And that's OK. You can play with him and encourage discussions. A for telling you about this day, some 3's just get distracted easy and move on after an incident. What happened at 11 AM could seem light years away for a three year old. I had plenty of 3's over my years teaching at HS that rarely spoke, and the next school year were little chatterboxes.

Receptive language means the ability to understand or comprehend language heard or read. Expressive language means being able to put thoughts into words and sentences, in a way that makes sense and is grammatically accurate.

參考: former Head Start teacher
2016-05-04 5:41 pm
Talk to him like an adult. Don't use baby talk. Talk about your day then ask him how his was. He learns by Example.
2016-05-04 7:28 pm
I would bring him to a speech pathologist. They will be able to tell you how delayed he is, or if he is delayed at all. Having a speech delay doesn't mean he isn't smart, it often can be a hearing problem or something of that nature.
2016-05-04 2:05 pm
You're talking about two issues: speaking clearly sure but, also knowing the words. I'd have expected him to know his name and many other names by the time he got to Head Start. Give him until elementary school to see if being with his peers catches him up naturally.

If not, talk to the school they start at about speech therapy and possibly developmental help. They may even suggest it unprompted.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:42:15
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