Atheists, why do you hate God?

2016-05-04 11:25 am

回答 (15)

2016-05-04 11:34 am
A lack of belief is not hate. You silly little believers need to get that through your profoundly thick skulls.
2016-05-04 12:49 pm
Same reason you hate Thor or the Easter Bunny. Knobhead.
2016-05-04 11:34 am
How can i hate something that doesnt exist
2016-05-04 11:27 am
I don't hate him. He just doesn't exist.
2016-05-04 2:11 pm
2016-05-04 11:50 am
For ***** sake we dont hate him because we dont believe hes real you cant touch or hate something that isnt there
2016-05-04 3:55 pm
I don't.

Why do you hate Santa, or the Tooth Fairy, or Bigfoot, or Vishnu?
2016-05-04 2:56 pm
Get a dictionary.
Look up ATHEIST.
Come back with a serious question.
2016-05-04 12:56 pm
this question again >.> we don't believe in god hate has nothing to do with you hate things you don't believe in?
2016-05-04 11:53 am
As we contend he doesn't exist, we don't.

Please attempt clarity of thought.
2016-05-04 2:16 pm
what god
prove one exists and I'll tell you
2016-05-04 2:08 pm
We don't hate god. We don't believe in fairy tales as real things. We understand that religion is a made up concept to control the populace and to tell stupid people what to say and think. Religion itself gives people permission to not think for themselves and permission to be hateful to people so they can feel justified in doing hateful and even morally wrong things in the name of religion. Like murder, etc.
2016-05-04 1:21 pm
For the same reason Harry Potter fans hate Voldemort.

Oh, wait, he's a fictional character, right, so how can people "hate him?

And have you actually READ the bible? That God character in there is not a very nice entity, is he? Condoning rapes; commanding genocides; flooding the entire known world; turning a woman into a pillar of salt for the natural curiosity of taking one last look at her burning home; ordering a man to kill his only child as a test of his "faith" and then saying, "Psyche! Go kill that ram instead." This is a god people say is "good"?
2016-05-04 1:10 pm
I don't hate something which i don't believe in?

Remember to like or hate anything you need to believe in something or someone and atheists like me don't believe in your man made fictional non-existing imaginary God.
2016-05-04 11:37 am
I'm agnostic so I can't speak for atheists, but I'm pretty sure they just hate theists and this has nothing to do with religion.

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