Need help choosing an essay topic?

2016-05-04 7:24 am
As the title implies I need help choosing a topic for a 9-11 page argument essay. I need a topic that is relevant, arguments are well balanced on both sides, and the topic has to be enough to write nine pages worth of writing (NO topics about abortion, capital punishment, and gun control). I already wrote topics on physician assisted suicide, juveniles getting life w/o parole, and carrying concealed weapons, so they are out of the picture. Thanks for your help.

回答 (6)

2016-05-04 7:31 am
Why trump would make a good president. You would be finished in no time.
2016-05-04 12:19 pm
Why don't you ask help from any essay writing service? An essay writing service can suggest you better topics
2016-05-04 9:42 am
How about the narrative or theory of everything about your life to date whereby you make sense of your world and your place in it and whether they are so rigid that they constantly support a status quo or allow you leeway to bend with the winds of opportunity and change when they blow
2016-05-04 8:15 am
I have tried many & liked I outsource my work ..when I dont understand .. You can take academic help from best in your area. they not only help you select topic but also you score well & understand topic in-depth..

I wish teachers guided us that well..

All the Best.
2016-05-04 7:32 am
big game hunting ranches in Africa .where animals are kept in large areas which are fenced off , & rich idiots like that dentist guy PAY to ; hunt ; these animals.
2016-05-04 7:25 am

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