I need advise ever since my dad died my life sucks. Now I'm stuck with a family that I never really got along with.?

2016-05-04 3:07 am

回答 (4)

2016-05-04 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your at age where living with siblings is annoying.
With tne passing of your dad your depressed and annoying things will bother you more.
Family is family I am sure your dad would want you to get along.
2016-05-04 3:15 am
Simple. Divorce your family. Check out the internet. If you're halfway as intelligent as you think you are it shouldn't be a problem
2016-05-04 3:14 am
Thanks pucman1961 it's just hard at this time I'm still living in his house. Now my family is moving in with me.
2016-05-04 3:10 am
Create a new life for urself.
Libraries where they got books can get u educated and started

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