A work colleague has took over a joint work project and has gotten all the credit for it. I feel really annoyed by this.?

2016-05-03 7:36 pm

I know its a charity project but its really annoyed me as she has tried to control every stage of this. And has used the opportunity that I was off ill to finish the project. It could of easily have waited till I was in as there was no deadline, What would you do in this situation?

回答 (1)

2016-05-03 8:09 pm
Deal with it, happens in the real world. If you were out sick, then its not their fault they did the work in your absence. Sorry if you wanted credit, but it sounds like you weren't the one to complete the project anyway.

The fact that this had anything to do with a charity is completely irrelevant.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:28:59
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