I want to be a girl...?

2016-05-03 7:02 pm
I'm fourteen, extremely feminine. A lot of people have noticed it in me, I notice it myself.

A few aspects include the fact I'm not happy as a male, the fact I want to go into cosplay some time, among many other reasons - both petty and important.

Anyone get some help? I'll need it, I plan to have the change around the time I turn 18 and move house, etc. - since I will in no way tell parents, they would think I'm a failure.


回答 (2)

2016-05-03 7:05 pm
Being trans does not make you a failure - don't let anyone tell you it does. It doesn't make you a bad person. Try not to worry about what other people think, especially when it is something that is important to you.

I suggest joining an LGBT support group, and speaking with a psychologist about transition. Not all psychologists are familiar with trans youth, so find one that specializes in that. Before the procedures, the doctors like to see that you have met with a psychologist anyway.
2016-05-03 7:14 pm

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