How do I pass tbe Nevada DMV permit test?

2016-05-03 7:52 am
I failed two times, I have no problem with reading the handbook. Is there like another way to study or a cheat sheet? How long did it took you to pass it? A friend told me no matter how many times you take it the same questions will come up? Is that true??

回答 (7)

2016-05-03 7:56 am
How long did it "take" me to pass it? One time. The questions are all drawn from the same GROUP of questions, and most will repeat, but some won't. There is no other way to study for it other than reading the handbook carefully, and actually THINKING about the answers.
2016-05-03 2:11 pm
There's no secret, and you definitely don't want to get caught cheating. Cheating = exam over, automatic fail, and probably not allowed to rewrite the exam for a few months.

Your friend, just so you know, is a moron. The Nevada DMV has around 2500 questions in the exam database, and they're selected at random for each exam that's printed out. The computer does select __% from the new / teen driver section of the book, __% will be from the general rules of the road, and __% will be about road signs or whatever. The same question might appear on two exams in a row, but no two exams will be exactly alike. They do it that way on purpose, because otherwise some kid would have the answer key posted online within 15 minutes.

The only way to pass, no exceptions, is to know the material. While you don't have a problem with the handbook, you do have a problem remembering it. Or maybe understanding it, whichever applies. But all the exam questions are taken directly from that book, so you need to study it a little more.
2016-05-03 9:38 am
Go to the DMV web site, click on your home state and practice practice practice. There are at least 10 different test sheets. Each time you get an answer wrong check it out in your driving manual to see WHY you got it wrong, then remember the answer.
I'm a non USA resident, never read your Drivers Book and still scored 100% on first attempt.
2016-05-03 4:27 pm
2016-05-03 12:37 pm
Like, You must study, study, study and practice, practice, practice. like the questions like vary and like may be different each, like time. Like perhaps you are not yet ready to like get a license. Like perhaps you should wait until you are like more like mature. Like resorting to like cheating like is a like desperate move. Like if you like have to like cheat then like you don't like deserve to like drive.

Grammar matters
Especially for the "like" generation
2016-05-04 3:53 am
Ever think that you should really study the material as opposed to reading the handbook?
2016-05-03 4:40 pm
Multiple choice questions are all laid out the same way. Two answers are so far out, they just can't be correct. Using what's called "common" sense should tell you that. Some answers should be obvious by now.

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