Opinions on feminism?

2016-05-02 11:10 pm

回答 (13)

2016-05-02 11:11 pm
Feminism is a cancer to society, due to feminism society is being destroyed. Feminism is not about equality, feminism is about female supremacy aka Feminazism.
2016-05-02 11:13 pm
Feminism is a special interest that has lobbied for and won multiple policies favoring females over males. I personally think men and women should be treated equally under the law, so I disagree with feminism on such one-sided policies.
2016-05-03 2:39 am
I dont like the name feminism or the way its going in general, it seems hypocritical when they say they are promoting equal rights for everyone when the movement is really solely focusing on woman and starting to become this weird very confused hate group.
I would like to pluck all of the radical western feminists and put them in saudi arabia or some other third world country where women are literally treated as property with little to no rights. Then they will realize how lucky and privileged they are today. sure, not everything is fair, and life isn't fair. true gender equaility would mean a lot of things will need to happen like women would have to be forced into drafts during military crisis (its only fair as the men have to) feminists these days seem to want their cake and eat it too which is unfair and very manipulative and contradicting of them to do. Feminists even hate on other women so at this point at least in the west, feminists and the majority of them are a confused bunch that probably dont fully understand what they are propagating anymore.
Feminism needs to change its name to equilism or humanism or something of the sort and just start over at the drawing board and reform itself
2016-05-02 11:22 pm
Serves as a catalyst for the amplification of some of the worst parts of female nature. whatever it was to begin with, it is something vastly different now.
2016-05-02 11:17 pm
It depends what version of feminism you're talking about. Feminism as an equality thing is good as it involves settling any sort of injustice on both male and female sides. Tumblr's version of feminism is a total train wreck focused on "destroying the patriarchy" and they're all "get rid of cisgender people" because they think if you're straight, white, not transgender, or a man, you are the problem with the world. Feminism is supposed to be a system where everyone works together to solve conflicts and inequality among not just females, but males too. You can go online and find other people's opinions about this whole, matter, so long as it's not a tumblr page. Personally, It first world countries, I think feminism isn't necessary. Everyone is already equal and anyone who says otherwise is immediately bombarded with hate.
2016-05-02 11:14 pm
There is many types of feminism, but they come in two main categories: liberal and radical. Radical feminism draws more attention because generally they are less subtle with their outspokenness and tend to be more female supremacist than desires of equality. Liberal feminism on the other hand has to do with knowing that women face a position of inferiority around the world, and desire to combat this; they simply seek equality, nothing more.
2016-05-02 11:13 pm
When women fight for things like jobs, then it's okay. On the other hand, when they think every man ever is a rapist or murderer, then it's just a waste of time. In my mind, there's no such thing as "women rights" Who cares if you're a women, do whatever you want. Become an engineer or someone who works on trucks.
2016-05-02 11:15 pm
Feminism is a movement that promotes the equality of all genders. It is not promoting female superiority over men - this is called misandry. Feminism promotes equality and is necessary in order to ensure the success of men, women, and other genders in various aspects of modern society. Women need feminism. Men need feminism. Everyone needs feminism.
2016-05-02 11:14 pm
The only people (it seems) that are concerned about it
are conservatives, and Rush Limbaugh's dittoheads in particular.
It's another non-issue. There are more important things to think about
2016-05-02 11:20 pm
neo-nazi-feminism where women are superior to men is poison. Feminism in itself is fine, though some tasks are more for women than men in general.
Women should get paid equally too.

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