How much should you text a guy your starting to date but your not properly with them yet?

2016-05-02 8:49 pm
I've known this lad a few years but we recently started talking again we haven't met up yet but made plans to but how much should we be texting? We've been texting like all day and everyday and I just feel like it's abit much and I don't want to come off as clingy

回答 (2)

2016-05-02 8:59 pm
Once every couple of days is what most people want. People like to feel wanted and that you are thinking about them. However, personally I like a little more space and once or twice a week is enough but that's just me. Try to read the situation as best you can and do whatever feels right.
2016-05-02 8:57 pm
There is no rules about texting, but personally, i find constant texting totally annoying. I have other things to do with my time. I have responsibilities and things to take care of in my own life.

If a guy wants to text me once in a while, fine. If he wants to talk with me, i prefer he calls me.

Don't drive the guy whacky with all the texts, and let him contact you first.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:41:44
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