I hate my stepsister what should I do?

2016-05-02 5:55 pm
She's almost 6 and has O.D.D which is Obidence Deficete Disorder and she hits us and makes our parents get mad at each other by manipulating my dad and being rude to my mom and disobeying her and if she pops her when my step dad isn't there she won't cry but if he is she will burst out crying and screaming and she won't eat her food and has told my mom once she didn't care about what she told her to do. I hate her and feel like I want her to die and truthfully I wouldn't care if she got hit by a car. I feel evil for thinking this and know God dosent want us to hate anyone but I still really can't like her or even be nice to her because she is so annoying. I don't think my mom loves her either and my dad never give her any kind of punishment and then he'll turn around and give me 1 week grounded for not washing the dishes when she could lie to my mom and hit us and be told only to go to bed after dinner. What should I do?

回答 (8)

2016-05-02 6:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gwenevere , your stepsister has serious behavioral problems due to her O.D.D. Your parents working with the counselors have to be be consistent in setting up rules and enforcing the, If they do not do their jobs parenting she will continue to act in the ways she does. The dad sounds like he needs to get with the program, and is part of the problem. The playing people off of each other and manipulating them is all part of the disorder, and most likely comes from her anger. Their job is also to keep you safe from her physical abuse.

If it is this bad at 6- wait until she becomes an adolescent. Your parents need to put a lid on it.
2016-05-02 6:32 pm
First, in the interest of accuracy, ODD stands for Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Did you google this or has she actually been diagnosed with it? This is one of the most serious diagnoses a kid can get, because it's based on extreme rage and escalating violence. Is she in therapy?

I have no clue why her dad would let her get away with bad behavior, though. There's no excuse for this and it's going to make things worse.

As for what to do, the only person who can help you is your mom. Why did she drag you into a mess like this? You need to politely ask her some very tough questions, because you should be #1 on her priority list. Right now, you're not.

This isn't because of unfairness with punishment, and you don't want to make that comparison! Most teens who blow off chores get punished. Instead, if this kid really does have disagnosed ODD, she is a ticking time bomb. There's a larger issue here of you being exposed to violence, your mom's job is to protect you, and she's not doing that. When this happens, it's common for kids to leave home the day they turn 18 and want little to do with the parent who emotionally bailed on them. She needs to wake up, because right now she's putting her love life ahead of her own child.

PS. Your writing is really hard to follow, but it's untrue there are no meds for ODD. However, if your mom is letting stepdad sit there without requiring counseling and medication, this is just wrong and it's selfish.
2016-05-02 6:02 pm
I know it's not fair, but as long as you two share a roof, there really isn't much you can do. Her father is obviously unwilling to discipline her and she sounds like an entitled brat. You could try talking with your mom about this, but I'm not sure it would do any good. Just try your best to avoid her. I've never heard of O.D.D. it just sounds like a poor excuse for lack of discipline.
2016-05-02 6:19 pm
ODD is Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Be glad you don't have it. If the condition was diagnosed by a doctor, your dad likely was told what to do about it, how to handle her.
Have compassion for her. It's a mental health issue.
2016-05-03 12:34 am
if one of your parents is hitting you just call cps and you might not have to live there
2016-05-02 7:50 pm
Maybe you could see a counselor to help you deal with your feelings. ODD is a serious disorder.
2016-05-02 6:12 pm
So she is ODD.
You didn't tell how is your father. Do he hate you??? Do he always be nice with your step sister and rude with you .
or he is good with you?
Have he talk to doctor about her.if no then plz Go to doctor. Telll your dad to take her to doctor .Medication can help you all.you and your sister
2016-05-02 6:16 pm
Update--- my step dad is fine to us and she has gone for medication but look it up sorry if this sounds like trolling, it has no medication only may improve through consoling in which when DHR came to check things out when her grandparents lied and said they abused jer they stopped d the counseling and is now worse than ever

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