How do you know if you re starting to menopause ?

2016-05-02 4:04 pm
so one of my circles was 39 days and then the next cycle was 63 days then 45 days then 22 days and 56 days and now my cycle is going on 40 The length of my cycle has been average seven days long this 10 days and shortest 4 days in January I started having sex in January I hadn t had sex in like a year

回答 (2)

2016-05-02 4:17 pm
If you're over 40 and this is happening, it's probably starting.

The start is a period of time called "perimenopause", which can last several years before your period stops coming altogether.
2016-05-02 4:12 pm
How old are you?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:27:25
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