問問關於英文Grammar 既野?

2016-05-02 12:40 pm
上個月二十五號City A 發生地震,但是現在City A無左,問問大家現在可唔可以用"Earthquake has happened in City A." 來反映由過去直至現在有一件事發生了,這件事就是City A發生地震。

回答 (1)

2016-05-03 1:08 am
City A earthquake last month happened;becoming dilapidated.
Earthquack has happened in City A.
=present perfect denotes present results of past actions.
City A has already falling to pieces;in a state of disrepair with a dilapidated look.
="already " indicates completion of the one single incident happening,eg earthquack, which attracts your attention in a present perfect tense way.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:51:26
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