✔ 最佳答案
(1) does exceed 同 exceed 的分別 :-
does exceed -- 在" exceed "前加上 do/ does , 就有強調 " exceed " 的作用
eg.He exceeds the speed limit. (他 超越了 speed limit )
He does exceed the speed limit. (他 真的 / 確實 超越了 the speed limit )
(2) 點解 does exceed 可以,但 do exceeds 吾得?
i) 任何一個 verb, 如之前的 subject 是 第三身 / 單數 , 就要在 verb 後加上 "s"
eg. She eats her breakfast during recess.
eg.The dog barks loudly.
ii) 若要強調這行為 , 可在這 verb 前加上另一個 verb - "to be".
但這個 verb 如因形容 「第三身 / 單數」的問題而有個 "s" 跟尾 ,
則這 "s" 就要改為放在個 verb "to be" 之後 -- 即 do => does.
[ 以上是一條 GRAMMATICAL RULE , 要記着、及慣用 ]
eg. She does eat her breakfast during recess.
eg.The dog does bark loudly.