Extenuating (migitating) circumstances are a joke on earth? UNI,UK?

2016-05-02 12:48 am
I have sat my exams with menstrual pains of the knife stabs and had to go to practical assessments after I passed out at night because of too much blood loss.
GP didn't give a damn. I also had tonsillitis developing.
Now I'm about to sit exams with severe white stuff tonsillitis and I read some of those ''migitating circumstances'' that were accepted in other UK unis.
Swear to god, some of them made me completely mad, like there's 10 cases of ''depression caused by exam stress'' to 2 flue or broken bones cases.

Has anyone else noticed it?

I also heard of people who are ''pros'' at faking ilnesses, some getting ALL exams as 1st chance in summer while being completely healthy and lazy.

This makes me so mad as I literally can't walk up the strairs then I have a bad period and I can't eat (again this year) because my throat is so swollen yet doctors and teachers simply don't care BECAUSE of the cases like these and because, well, we should generally suck it up even though it might affect our grades..

回答 (2)

2016-05-02 1:40 am
Could you have your tonsils taken out and then sit the exams after you recover?
2016-05-02 12:51 am
Your periods will last another twenty years. What meds are you taking?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:41:52
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