Why Won't Guys Settle Down With Me?

2016-05-02 12:07 am
The guys I used to date have settled down with other women and have babies now. For some reason they didn't want to settle down with me.

One of them just had a baby with a homely woman. And he was very shallow when it came to womens' looks. He ends up with a an unattractive woman. He told me if I ever got pregnant he'd want me to get an abortion.

I am an attractive woman with a good personality. I have a lot of friends and family who want to be around me and even want to live with me.

A couple of guys were interested in me but wouldn't date me cuz they could've gotten fired from their job-conflict of interest.

My biological clock is ticking and I'm getting concerned. My aunt told me if a woman's good looking a lot of guys will want her for one thing. I've read men like to date attractive women but marry women who aren't so attractive cuz they feel they're less likely to stray, more secure with the woman, etc.

回答 (2)

2016-05-02 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
You cannot control the actions of another person. All you can control are your own reactions to situations life throws your way. If those guys don't want to settle with you it them not you. You need to be patient until you meet the guy who adores you.
2016-05-03 12:49 am
Try online dating. Also just the odds are a number of guys may not choose you but one will. He is out there! Don't sleep with anyone until your husband after marriage. If a guy really likes you he will continue with you; if only physical attraction he would use you then drop you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:26:58
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