Is there any Catholic who is willing to Help me?

2016-05-01 9:51 pm
I am an atheist currently, but recently the thought of death and the universe's creation has been giving me quite literal panic attacks. From birth to the age of twelve, I had been a Lutheran. I went to a Lutheran school, had Lutheran family members, nearly got confirmed into the Lutheran church, and so on so forth. The pastors could never answer my questions regarding the Lutheran faith and I found much more evidence regarding evolution as opposed to the validity of religion. In December, I felt a strange drawing to the Catholic faith. I'm really not sure why, but just the mere thought of it brought me to peace. It still does. Honestly, I'm tearing up right now at the thought of it because it seems like the only thing that pacifies my fear of death. I just have absolutely no one to ask questions to, and I have oh so many (especially considering my Lutheran upbringing and their constant invalidation of the Catholic faith). Is anyone willing to give their time to answer questions for me? I would ask someone more educated, but my parents (devout Lutherans) would never allow me to. I could either talk to you over e-mail or Facebook. Thank you for any help. x

回答 (14)

2016-05-01 9:54 pm
I would honestly look for your nearest Catholic Church and see if you can talk to the priest. They do stuff like that all the time.
2016-05-01 9:52 pm
If you want to talk to someone about the faith, contact your nearest priest and take classes. Otherwise, your post sounds like a luring attempt for bad reasons.
2016-05-02 1:49 am
Catholics are more accepting of the theory of evolution to us people that state there is no such thing as evolution are about as primitive as the people that believed the world was flat. Don't get the wrong idea about us Catholics we are Creationists it's just that we don't remove God from the equation of the theory of evolution.

It states in Scripture man was made in the image of God it never stated that is how man was created. Even with the Genesis creation story you ever noticed man was not so much different from the animals even in evolution it took time for early man to evolve in which their brain could have the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between good and evil (morality) which animals are incapable of doing.

Even like the Big Bang theory which by the way was the discovery of a Catholic Priest God is not removed form the equation in which God set into motion the creation of the natural universe and He is present throughout the development of His creation things just don't happen out of coincidence it's all part of the plan of God.
2016-05-02 5:04 pm
I'm not a cradle Catholic, I converted as an adult. But I'd be happy to answer any questions to the best of my ability - please feel free to post them publicly or to send me a private message if you prefer.
2016-05-02 2:31 am
seek out your closest Catholic Church and speak to the priest , he will ask you about RCIA a course which starts about august in some countries . you are not compelled to stay
2016-05-02 1:11 am
I was raised Catholic, and was even in training to be a Religious (a nun to you) for a time. I am happy to do my best. Contact me via the email on the site, and I will answer what I can. If it helps, the Catholic Church embraces the theory of evolution at the Highest Levels (i.e. Pope Francis).
2016-05-01 10:06 pm
That's great to hear you are considering joining the Catholic Church. There are many Lutherans who have seen the truth and joined the church. You might find the below video helpful, it is about a man who left being a Lutheran minister to join the Catholic Church. Here is a brief overview:

Peter was born and raised in a Brethren family in Australia. As a child he was called to memorize 200 Bible verses in a year. He and his family sought to follow God’s will and to do it. As a teen he began to read Church history and theology seeking a greater depth in his faith. In college, he met some Lutheran who led him to a deeper understanding of Christianity with such doctrines as baptismal regeneration and the Lutheran understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Later, in a Lutheran seminary, he discovered the early Church Fathers and came to realize that the early Church was Catholic. In his attempt to prove that Lutheranism was Catholic, Peter came to realize that the only way he could be truly Catholic was to be in full-communion with the successor of St. Peter in Rome.
2016-05-01 11:57 pm
You would find that the Catholic Church is much more definitive. You believe what it tells you and there is much less scope for thinking about it. As a Catholic once said to me:
Rule 1: The Pope is always right.
Rule 2: If the Pope is wrong, Rule 1 applies.
This is why the Catholic Church has been in so much trouble with paedophiles amongst its clergy. The Church has to be perfect and cannot be seen to be wrong. On the other hand, its insistence that dissent cannot be tolerated has kept it together while Protestantism has fragmented into thousands of denominations.

The Catholic Church also believes that it is the only true Church and if you are anything else (like Lutheran) you cannot be saved. You're on the right lines, and Catholics will be nice, but in their heart of hearts they believe you are not a proper Christian if you aren't a Catholic.

I'm not a Catholic - I just know it reasonably well.
2016-05-01 10:00 pm
1. Lutherans and Catholics are very close in Christian beliefs. You can look up the Protestant Reformation and see where the split occurred between Catholics and Protestants but they are both Christians. Feel free to Google Catholic beliefs, Lutheran beliefs, etc.
2. Evolution is not in contradiction to religion. That has been refuted many times. the story of God's creation in the Bible is metaphorical, not to be taken literally. Most Christians don't believe the world was created in 6 days and the 7th God was just too tired to create anymore. that's ridiculous. But whatever evolution occurred, was caused by God. So religion and science is not in conflict as people on both sides want to believe.
3. At some point in the teenage years, people realize that death is real and they tend to panic. They think of their parents dying, they have a friend die, they panic. All very common. As they get older, more mature, that panic goes away.
2016-05-01 11:00 pm
Catholic church makes up rules and the only rule should be the ones Jesus said. To
love God above all and to love your neighbor as best you can.

If you believe on Jesus, that He died for your sins and rose from the dead on the third day in victory over death and you ask Him to forgive you and to save you. He will. He knows your heart and if you truly believe, will forgive you and save you from eternal torment. He will change you from the inside out and answer your prayers when they are prayed.

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