I have a strange white section on my d#ck? Im a little worried.?

2016-05-01 9:11 pm
So I have noticed a few weeks ago that there was a small spot on the end of my head next to the urethra that looked like pale dead skin. (almost as if bubbles had formed below the skin). I ignored it and several weeks later it has spread a bit to the other side of the urethra and is scattered in numerous small spots. I have no idea what it could be. It doesn't hurt at all. And I still regularly masturbate. But what could this be? Could it be cancer?

They aren't spots like perfect circles but rather patches that are inconsistent. Also, Im 17 M.

回答 (2)

2016-05-02 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't you think the best thing would be to have yr parents take you to a doctor instead of asking these bozos? It might be something less serious, like blisters from too much of the regular masturbation; if there is such a thing as too much, ha!
2016-05-01 9:31 pm
Yes, it must be cancer.

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