Have you ever crapped on yourself or sharded in a certain place,like at a friends house,or on the bus by accident?

2016-05-01 7:43 pm

回答 (6)

2016-05-01 7:43 pm
You already know the answer to this.

It was in the newspapers.
2016-05-01 7:54 pm
I've sharted before, but always at home. Thank God it never happened in public!
2016-05-01 7:51 pm
Not yet.
2016-05-01 7:47 pm
I pissed myself.
2016-05-01 7:45 pm
in my bed when i farted by accident
參考: turns out i had diarrhea
2016-05-01 7:44 pm
sharted barn paint

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