Why does America Have So Many States?

2016-05-01 6:12 pm
isn't it 52?

回答 (6)

2016-05-01 6:16 pm
It's 50 and a couple of territories. It's a big country. Every country has divisions, whether they're called provinces, cantons or states. It's a more efficient way of governing.
2016-05-01 6:16 pm
Yead so what's the problem amigo?
2016-05-01 6:13 pm
50 Theres a show called how the states got their shapes, tells the story.
2016-05-01 6:19 pm
According to Obama, it is 52 states.
2016-05-01 6:24 pm
Why does everyone say 52? It's due to the history of the US and political/geopolitical actions.
2016-05-01 6:17 pm
Good question
We would save a lot money if we only had 20 states that were of about equal population and that the residents of those states shared as much of a common culture with each other as possible

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:24:08
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