I'm homesick..what about you?

2016-05-01 4:04 pm
This question is for those who have experienced moving to Florida (or anywhere) from their home state, and becoming home sick.

I'm from Chicago. I moved to Florida when I was 14. I'm 20 years old now, and through out the years I've been here, I've had times where I was so home sick...like I am now. Speaking to Grandma and my Mother, they told me that this is normal...almost everyone in Florida is from another state, and after awhile, most start to get homesick. They describe it as a "transit" state, and as one big vacation with crazier people. Anyway, I'm missing Chicago, I'm missing the big city and window shopping, the winter and wearing my high fashion coats lol, I miss my cousin who is like my big sister (even though I have love for my cousins here in florida too), and I just want change...I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. I'm even highly considering pursuing Modeling and Fashion again while I go to college before entering medical school, but my area in central Florida has no opportunity for Fashion and modeling like the major cities do. I do have my Father here, my brother, my cousin who is like my sister, and even a guy that I have developed feelings for (even though we're not dating), but in Chicago, I have my moms side of the family, and my mom will soon be joining out there.

I guess I need some advice from someone who has been in this similar situation in Florida, and then getting home sick. Did you move? Was it for the better? How homesick did you get?

@backahead Thank you so much for answering. However, I don't believe that there is anything in life that is completely out of our control, especially choosing where we want to live.


Thank you all for answering. It's so frustrating to decide, but I think it's just apart of being 20 years old and finding my way in life lol.

回答 (3)

2016-05-02 1:50 am
just go back to chicago if you feel that way
2016-05-01 6:20 pm
I beg to differ from Steve, I have a friend who lives in Chicago. He came back from a few years in Europe, and he says it is bad there. The increased cost of living is driving people out. Same as the stores. It isn't that same city as you remember. The fancy stores are mostly gone. The Obamas don't even plan to go back there.

If you go back there for a visit, you will be shocked.
2016-05-01 4:18 pm
I'm happy wherever I am, never been homesick a day in my life. And I been everywhere. In life, you can't control most of what happens. That's why it is vital to maintain the proper attitude for the things which we can control. Most noteably, our reactions. You can be homesick, but you don't need to dwell on that. Can it possibly help? Never, so don't dwell. We are solely responsible to make our lives great. Use your time more productively. Chicago will still be there when its your time. Right now, there stuff to be done in FL. Good luck, you'll be fine.

Edit: Okay we definitely have major philosophical differences :) I'm unqualified to opine on your situation lol.

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