I have a horrible family what do I do?

2016-05-01 3:18 pm
I will be 18 very soon, but I have a horrible family. They are all incredibly depressed and they hate me, and I hate them. (For many reasons) I never approach them but they mentally abuse me to the extreme. I will move to another country once I am 18. But I can't take this anymore and I'm scared of committing suicide before I can get rid of them. Help?

回答 (10)

2016-05-01 3:34 pm
sounds like your entire family needs counseling....if they don't go, YOU should go, for your own mental health....not every one is cut out to be a parent, nor has good understanding how to teach etc....be sure to supplement your diet, with food based vitamins and cut sugar..why? it affects how you think...if you eat garbage food but think it is normal...you will even have a harder time with life and others...seek help, best wishes
2016-05-01 3:21 pm
I have a rough life at home as well...but what keeps me going is knowing i will be 18. Knowing one day i will pack up and start a new life. Don't ever EVER commit suicide please, because once you turn 18...your whole life is going to change and you have SO much to look forward too, its not worth letting your family take that away from you. Try and stay positive and use some positive outlets to pass the time:) I wish you the best of luck and if you really need someone to talk to i am here(even though i am a random stranger lol i know what its like:) Good luck and stay strong
2016-05-04 8:32 pm
It's great that you are reaching out for help! We are so sorry to hear that you are feeling so much emotional pain that you are contemplating suicide. It really does sound like you have been going through a lot but know that suicide is never the answer. Be assured that you deserve to be treated with respect. Never give up on yourself; your life has great value.

It's so important that you reach out for support from a trusted adult such as a friend's parent, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest getting evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and getting involved in counseling. Please contact 911 if you need immediate assistance. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone.

Counselor, MT
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000, www.yourlifeyourvoice.org
2016-05-04 3:28 am
Move out of state.
2016-05-03 10:34 pm
It is possible there are afterschool activities where you could socialize with people who you prefer, like student publications or even theatre. Then the average of what it is like to communicate with other people will improve.

also you could see if st johns wort causes you to be happier it is at the pharmacy as a supplement.
2016-05-03 7:03 pm
That bad eh? No worries, maybe talk to your friends? I had the same problem with my family. I know the solution, try thinking +ve. Dont worry, it happens all the time. you dont have to take it personally. Get off that "angry horse" while you can, while you are conscious of how the mind works. You must be the change to light up the world. For its own sake, lighten up ;)
2016-05-02 3:12 am
aerobic exercise is the medicine for depression.
benefit of aerobic exercise
from 'Neurobiological effects of physical exercise § IGF-1 signaling' in
from 'IGF-I' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casein#Autism
) :
- brain growth
source :
'The brain structures that show the greatest improvements in gray matter volume
in response to aerobic exercise are the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus;[4][5][8]
moderate improvements seen in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal cortex,
cerebellum, caudate nucleus, and nucleus accumbens.[4][5][8]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurobiological_effects_of_physical_exercise

- improved stress coping
source :
'improved stress coping, improved cognitive function, and increased neuronal
activity (c-Fos and BDNF signaling).[12][13]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurobiological_effects_of_physical_exercise

- cure depression
source :
'A number of medical reviews have indicated that exercise has a marked and
persistent antidepressant effect in humans,[4][16][17][18][19][20] an effect
believed to be mediated through enhanced BDNF signaling in the brain.[8][17]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurobiological_effects_of_physical_exercise

dairy contain casomorphin which is opioid which has withdrawal effect.
vaccenic acid in dairy, ruminant animal may cause bipolar
source :
'Vaccenic acid is also found in human orbitofrontal cortex of patients with
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.[10][11]'
in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccenic_acid
from 'vaccenic acid' in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_fat
from google 'trans fat'

addition 6 may 2016 ----
physical exercise, diet tips which maybe helpful : http://wortel.ucoz.com/loseweight_gainmuscle.txt
2016-05-01 10:52 pm
Keep away from those who torture you. Simple.
2016-05-01 6:12 pm
You’ve come to the right place – It sounds like you have what I have - it's a mild strain of autism - so mild it often gets missed and goes undiagnosed and untreated, so does not appear on your medical record, as your symptoms are so mild you don't appear to be different to the rest of humanity.

Nowadays you are unlikely to get into the military or the police with it if you’ve got it for the United Nations World Health Organisation regards it as a serious mental disease – however it has a long and glorious military, police and civilian service history – only suicidally loyal, intelligent and courageous people get it.

They were bred to be this way - like pedigree horses – pedigree esquires, bred to shield their knights, priests, kings or emperors in battle from being killed or injured. Continuity of governance for a full 20 years measured back from the time the status of the territory was called into dispute was necessary in those days to call a territory your real estate and pass it on to your heir or heirs.

But esquires had a quirk - no sooner than war was over, they had no-one left to kill but each other, and peace was declared, they became disloyal, stupid and reckless with their lives and the lives of others - 25-30 times more likely to kill themselves than other people, because their senses jangled 25-30 more times as intensely as those of ordinary people.

Many went completely nuts and killed themselves - this enraged their knights, priests, kings and emperors, for it took 15 years to train an esquire, so there was a 35 year discontinuity in the knight's, priest's, king's or emperor's rule or governance, if one killed himself or herself as it took 15 years to train another before the 20 year count could start all over again.

So, as soon as war was over and peace was declared, knights, priests, kings and emperors set up societies to teach them a decorum of suicide avoidance and prevention. The last such society of which I have detailed knowledge was set up in England by William the Conqueror on his coronation day in 1066 as I was a member of it before it was wound up in 1997 at United Nation’s behest.

He was from Normandy and promised his wife and kids that he would come home after conquering England. But as I mentioned, to claim England as his real estate and keep it in the family on his death he had to hold possession of it for at least 20 years. So he had to put his half-brothers, Odo and Robert, in charge of it, as Esquires, and set up a pedagogic society to teach them and theirs suicide avoidance and prevention to stay alive to give evidence of their continuous possession of it to the Church in the form a survey or book.

That survey or book, now called the Domesday or Doomsday Survey or Book, is evidence that England is the real estate of the monarch of England, so, to assert and defend that position, every subsequent monarch of England after William maintained the County Surveyors Society, as it became known, until it was wound up in 1997 due to becoming redundant as the strain of savantism its members had was diagnosed as Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

I was a deemed member of that Society from birth; became an instructor of its decorum suicide avoidance and prevention pedagogy at the age of 50 and the chief instructor at 52; and, have been coaching and counselling it ever since. I teach it by www internet email autoresponder pro bono as a 7 steps in 98 days program http://bit.ly/1p7Tcl2. It crushes suicidal thoughts and transforms lives.

I can supplement that with a pro bono encyclopaedia of ‘the knowledge’ that I received as a child to improve my reading and writing for any client who needs it. Additionally, I have arranged discounted university education and training in sustainability engineering and manufacture, that being modern jargon for tasks I specialized in throughout my 50 year-long professional career.

My flagship development, to which I dedicated 35 of those 50 career years to implement, ultimately found global renown, by being added as the primary hub of a UNESCO Reserve http://www.biosfferdyfi.org.uk/en just before I retired.

Source(s): Seventy-one years education, training, and experience in making sense of my world and place in it. Fifty years of improving the health, wealth, happiness and security of billions of other people around the world. Twenty + years coaching and counselling thousands of them in suicide avoidance and prevention.

E-mail me if I can be of any further assistance - [email protected]

2016-05-01 3:22 pm
well, with your kind permission- you're young enough to be my son/ daughter - to begin with...
in my humble opinion- their being depressed is NOT a good reason to hate them...
it sounds to me that you need professional medical help -of a psychiatrist -in real life-in your area- someone skilled in treating people of your age- with no further delay...
you're not supposed to be abused whatsoever...
and it might be much better for you to change the environment- the social one...
on one condition: that it's done the responsible way-and for your real best...
I dare myself to personally doubt whether your moving to another country is really the best for you...
I might deffinitely be wrong anyway...
and that's why additional questions are to be asked in real life...
I think it's urgently important that some responsible adult there: Family Doctor, social worker, someone... exactly know what you're going through...
you've got to ask for and timely get the help you need...
on one hand- I beg you: refrain, repeat, REFRAIN- from ANY form or even trying to self- harm or take your own life - whatsoever...
heed the fact that such a ''try''- even a ''failed'' one- can leave you both physically and further mentally disabled for good...
you deffinitely deserve much better than this...
on the other hand - your getting / moving to another country might have to be postponed -in order not to make your depression even worse...
been there...I might be knowing what Iam talking about...
stick to life.... timely get the help you need...inasmuch as you feel that bad get AT ONCE to the Emergency Room...yeah...
and may life come your way...may it smile to you in return...may you overcome your life's hardships...may you make all your dreams come true...the best possible, dignified way- here in this world...
may you stay forever-blessed and kept safe and proof from all harm...
參考: I am a Family Physician- living and working overseas...good health... at age 26 -as a young graduate-I left my motherland to immigrate to another country- totally different in many ways... I underwent depression-in my adoptive country... I made it- to overcome it... yet it was significantly hard ... just in case you want a pen-pal: [email protected]

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