Not Paying Red Light Camera Ticket?

2016-05-01 11:25 am
I appealed a red light camera ticket. I said I made a full stop. I even watched the video and it showed I stopped.

If they deny my appeal and say I'm guilty-and I don't pay the ticket what is the worst that will happen?

Will I get into legal trouble since I made an appeal or will it just go to collections?

回答 (3)

2016-05-01 11:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you appeal and they rule against you and you still don't pay the ticket your license will eventually be suspended and they'll issue a bench warrant for your arrest.Do you really want to end up in county just for a traffic ticket?They do it all the time.You'll also probably face new fines and fees(it's the fees that get you).
2016-05-01 2:15 pm
eventually you owe more and more and a warrant can be issued, car booted, etc.
2016-05-01 12:17 pm
Your license will be suspended, and WHEN you are stopped for your next offence, you will be charged with driving without a license. The WORST that can happen is you are involved in a collision, and your insurance is VOID because you were not legally licensed to drive.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:24:51
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