16, Sophomore, 5'6 will grow taller?

2016-05-01 5:09 am
All of my friends are getting taller then me, and I've been waiting on this damn growth spurt for eternity. My own little brother is gassing me up.

I work out, lift, and I eat alright. What the hell is happening?

I'm not at my ideal height right now and it easily making itself into another reason to hate myself and my genes.

回答 (2)

2016-05-01 6:29 am
2016-05-01 5:29 am
Hey! I have the same issue with you, I'm 15 5'6 lol, I'm a guy. But growing taller is about genes, tell me how tall your mom and dad are and tell me which side from your mom and dad are tall, and I'll answer again

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