eBay or Amazon?

2016-05-01 4:05 am

回答 (6)

2016-05-01 4:20 am
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Depends on what you are buying. More expensive stuff can go both ways. People have gotten scammed on ebay but never on amazon so it is a risk. Another downfall of ebay is its shipping dates are longer than amazons and are usually not free like amazons and ebay has used stuff amazon doesnt so it really depends on this info i just gave sure amazon is more expensive just by a bit not by much but ebay is a risk of delivery not arriving or used products that dont work i have never had a problem with amazon though. So in my opinion its Amazon as the winner.
2016-05-01 4:09 am
Amazon, most items on eBay have been used.
2016-05-01 6:32 pm
Depends on what you need. My past purchases have been through amazon.
2016-05-01 4:07 am
depends on what i'm buying. most things are a better deal on ebay.
2016-05-01 4:07 am
2016-05-01 4:10 am

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