How should I appropriately handle this situation? Boyfriend introducing me to parents as a "friend".?

2016-05-01 3:34 am
I'm a 30 year old woman that has been dating my 33 year old boyfriend for 3 months. He's Indian/Hindu and is an amazing person in every way. We both agree that at this point of life (stable careers, finished with college) that we're really wanting to find someone to marry.

I discussed that the biggest issue might be getting his parents approval since I'm not Indian. He assured me it likely wouldn't be an issue since they're forward-thinking, but he did say he might still need to do a little convincing.

It just so happens his parents are flying overseas from India for the first time in five years (perfect timing!). He says he would love for them to meet me, however, he will be introducing me as a "friend".

I'm sensitive to his culture and can understand why, on his first visit with them in several years, he doesn't want to immediately spring on them that "hey, here's my white girlfriend of three months that I'm thinking of marrying sometime within the next year or two"

At the same time, I want him to hurry and ask if they'd approve of us as a couple since I'm not in the mood to sit around and waste my time over something that will never materialize into marriage.

...Yet I understand he doesn't want to have a big conversation as soon as they come visit.

...Should I just meet them first and go from there? When should I say he needs to tell them by? Again, I'm sensitive to the situation but don't want to wait around.

回答 (22)

2016-05-01 3:58 am
You're trolling question was alright until you got to the point where you said, ""hey, here's my white girlfriend of three months that I'm thinking of marrying sometime within the next year or two"
It's kind of like you are pointing how silly it is to want to marry after 3 months of knowing each other.

Ok, so here's my answer. Everyone who introduces their fiance to parents do so by saying this is my girlfriend. You warm them up and then spring it on them after you see how well they take the news.

They haven't seen their son in so long. Now that they are finally able to see him, they would prefer it to be about "reuniting" not a surprise marriage. Let them enjoy reuniting with son then break the good news.
2016-05-01 7:23 am
You sound like your desperate to marry anyone who will take you. You shouldn't want to get married to anyone you've only dated for three months. You also aren't truly respectful of his culture and this may not be a good cultural fit. You have to understand that he will NEVER put you or your needs/wants ahead of those of his family because you will always be an outsider. He is not "Americanized."

Instead of asking strangers, ask him. Tell him that you want to understand the cultural etiquette and would like to know why he doesn't want to introduce you now and what would need to "change" in order for him to do so. If is isn't introducing you as someone he is dating now, how do you "earn" that status? It isn't as if you were teenagers that needed parental approval to go to the movies? You need to really understand this or you'll be a friend a year from now too.
2016-05-01 12:23 pm
Hmmmm, yet two weeks ago you'd just broken up with your boyfriend of four years. Please tell us you've not only been dating this guy for two weeks and are already thinking/talking marriage - three months is a stretch as it is.

Eta: Ah. I knew something about this seemed odd - two weeks ago you posted THIS question:
2016-05-01 5:18 am
Have the meeting and see how it goes. After the meeting is when you should start bottom lining him. 3 months is still kind of early. If between the 6 and 12 month period there is no change - then you can start to think about cutting your losses and running.
2016-05-01 5:39 pm
Hold your horses girlie. You have been dating this guy for 12 Sundays. Three months is a very short time to know if you have marriage material on your hands, ESPECIALLY since he seems to have a cultural obligation that you are not at all thrilled with.

Sit back and be quiet, as his friend. Allow him to take the lead. His parents are not idiots and know their son well enough to know he has an interest in you or you would never be meeting them.

DO not push the issue and if you are overly sensitive about this, then so be it. If you two are going to get married, you do not need their approval, do you? Just ride this formal introduction out and follow your boyfriend's lead.

Three months dating is not really a ground breaking announcement and to assume you are going to have these people as your in-laws at this point is premature, regardless if you spoke to your boyfriend about marriage or not.

Sit tight and enjoy their visit. Now, remember, if your boyfriend's life is going to be lead by his cultural expectations and you do not agree with that, then you will not be as close to marriage as you may have hoped. Sit back and get to know him and his family. Relax.
2016-05-02 9:45 am
Perhaps he should have introduced you as his "pelvic associate" and then it would have been perfectly clear.
2016-05-02 2:34 am
You've only been dating him for 3 MONTHS. I think it is highly premature of you to expect him to introduce you to his parents as anything more then a friend right now. Parents know that when their sons introduce a particular girl, even as "friend," there is more to it then just friendship, and he knows they'll know and they will probably ask him about it later when the have some time to privately talk with him. It is NOT your place to demand more, or to expect more.
2016-05-01 7:29 am
those filthy indians should be proud he upgraded himself to a white gf. if i were u i would dump him because he seems to be ashamed of u? what is that? where on earth anyone would be ashamed of a white gf? u should be ashamed of him as a bf
2016-05-01 5:52 am
Trust his judgment. Don't create a problem where none exists. Sometimes, it makes sense to go slow.
2016-05-01 3:47 am
Trust me they will know you are more then a "friend", they are not that naïve.. But it is good on his part to do this, they likely won't say anything .

Best to be respectful to them, you have been dating 3 months, that is not very long, get to know this guy and his values and beliefs, are the cultural differences compatible/OK, will you be able to make it work despite different cultures, what if they do not like you? (just putting it out there..)
Am only saying you need to be sure, you do not want to offend his parents, so go slow and be nice and respectful, meet them and see how things go, if you get along etc..
You have to be sure you are compatible before committing, it does not matter what nationality he is 3 months is not long, get to know him better before getting married, you do not want regret or as you said, to waste time. why the rush to marry anyway? Go slow, be sure.
2016-05-08 8:59 am
How should I appropriately handle this situation? Boyfriend introducing me to parents as a "friend".? Three big earthquakes will shake the three superpowers; 1st big earthquake in Russia; 2nd (bigger one) in China; 3rd (biggest of the three) will be in America. NATO will nuke Ukraine to blame Russia for it; then NATO will nuke Russia from Scandinavia. China will attack Russia; but will not get past Ural Mountains; bio-genetic weapon will be used against Chinese soldiers (they will run back to China and hide in closets in fear) and weather weapon will freeze Siberia to - 200 Celcius; stadium-size chunks of unmeltable ice will fall from the lower sky (because when rockets go into higher sky they bring this ice down to lower sky). Russia will destroy Turkey and America. China will have a hole across the whole country to the abyss (because of another super weapon used to stop Chinese aggression); radiation from this hole will be massive; Chinese will try to keep quiet about it; a lot of people will fall into this hole.
Scientists don't see dinosaurs because of radiation. Only Eurasia and Alaska (both without coasts) will remain after demons blow up Antarctica (which surrounds the flat earth) and Greenland melts. Move to Ural Mountains or inland Alaska. Sionists want war between Russia and Germany over Serbia from June to October on their holidays because (666 times 3)+(6 times 3) = 2016 (in their twisted logic).
Tube people = demons. Clones = demons. Human costumes that demons wear = demons. Dinosaurs and 666ed people have triple stranded DNA; normal person can't swallow 666ed food (designed for 666ed people). Demons live inside clones. Bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered Bubonic plague) is depicted on the Shroud of Turin. There is another shroud on which blasphemer Yosef (who was crucified on a pole in 1066 AD) is depicted. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Lenin (el=deity in Hebrew, nine = no in German; so, when chanted repeatedly is blasphemy against the Creator), and Yosef were possessed by Azazel; now, Rico Cortes is possessed by Azazel.
WW3 happens; 7% of people will be left; after people are tired of war, they will elect the antichrist as one world leader; don't vote. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Next false flag: Statue of Liberty in order to attack Iran; one big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse. Move away from coasts as nukes will go off in the ocean (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high).
Wear natural clothing so that if a bomb goes off it won't stick to the body as fast as synthetic clothes. All metal will be burned for fuel; so, save knives, crowbars, shovels, wood-burning stoves, etc. Also, save cloth/fabric/textile to cover the wounds and diseases.
Eat natural food because nanochips, cells of aborted fetuses, bug DNA, and other poisons are in food that is commonly sold; reject vaccines, medical care, medicine, etc. because nanochips are administered thru IVs, implants, fillings, etc. If 1000-1500 nanochips are in your right hand, then you can't make proper Orthodox sign of the cross with the right hand; last mercy for you then will be to cut the hand off.
Seraphim of Sarov and Sergiy of Radonezh will be resurrected after WW3 for a short time; Seraphim of Sarov will show the new Ruski Tsar who will fight the antichrist for about 2 years and 8 months. Those who go see Seraphim of Sarov will be healed of their infirmities/illnesses/sicknesses/ diseases; if you want to see him then, hurry because he won't stay longer than a few weeks.
Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep.
Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist.
Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia.
Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets.
Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light.

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on the highways. Microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, 666 is given. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell.
If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall
2016-05-03 9:28 pm
Three months in it is time to say girl friend. If he does not then you are not his girl friend. Do you want to be just another lay? Probably not. Be clear to him this will be a deal breaker. And then live up to that deal breaking.
2016-05-03 12:26 am
3 months is a short time for dating. His parents probably aren't stupid, either- and probably will pick up that your relationship is more than just platonic. If this is a 'real' question and you are really asking for advice, I say take it a day at a time and see what happens. His parents may ask more direct questions, then, you can go from there. If not, then, go with the 'friend' status and let it go from there.
2016-05-02 10:20 pm
slow your roll! 3 months is nothing--you are really only friends at this point--you don't know each other that well--and he isn't sure he's going to marry you---why go through a huge bunch of family drama on someone you've known for 3 months.
2016-05-02 8:18 pm
Tell him that it isn't right to lie to his parents. If he wants to marry her he must be honest with his parents
2016-05-02 3:20 pm
Why are you in such a rush to get married?
2016-05-02 3:04 pm
give it time
2016-05-02 6:20 am
Are you dumb?was ready to read 16 I'd tell him to **** off
2016-05-02 2:47 am
He is scared. I wouldn't see him anymore.
2016-05-01 8:47 pm his and his parent's custom, there are NO girl friends; only friends, wives and family.
2016-05-01 9:23 am
It's important (and thoughtful) to let him handle the conversations with his own parents. He knows them, and you don't. Don't rush anything, and don't do or say anything that makes them think you are anything other than a friend - that'll be unusual enough for them anyway, if they are traditional types. Give it time.
2016-05-01 8:46 am
no mercy- i admit it does feel weird to be discriminated because of the color of my skin -for the first time in my life!

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