Full time employed but want to pursue education.?

2016-05-01 1:44 am
I work full time 37.5hrs a week 08:30 - 17:00, I don t have any qualifications or GCSEs and would like to better myself, I can t quit my job and go into education as I need the income for rent, bills ect.

But at the same time it seems there is nowhere I can go for evening courses at any community college s, am I to assume that this is it... I m stuck in a dead end job with no future prospect s because I missed my chance.when I was younger?, I m 26yrs and looking to turn my life around but stuck as to how or if I even can with a full time job.

Any advice would be appreciated, I live in NW London.

回答 (1)

2016-05-01 3:57 am
UK doesn't have libraries ?
In USA libraries are FREE education.
Here u can learn plenty of ways to get better JOBS education money
Here libraries(bookstore) got series of books " for dummies" "idiots guide to".
Both series can help you learn enough to test out and get into community colleges.
Get educated locally in libraries.
參考: Exstreet person Employer now thanks library card

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:24:11
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