
2016-04-30 7:40 pm
I did not travel around the 
world, but I have been to many 
countries from an early age. When 
I got the camera, I love to record 
anything that I have seen in my eyes. 

I am most interested in different 
cultures such as the buildings and the temples. It can show people's daily in 
that country, I want to photograph 
this beautiful world in my view 
and share to others.

回答 (2)

2016-05-01 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Error and corrections are in brackets-(---):-
all in past tenses:-
---I did not travel around the world, (yet )I have been to many countries (since) an early age. When I got the camera, I ( loved taking photographies to )record anything that I have seen in my eyes. (As an amateur photograher), I (was) most interested in different cultures,(arts, beliefs, social institutions, characteristic of a community,race) such as the buildings and the temples. It could show peoples's daily (livelihood) in that country. I wanted to photograph this beautiful world (in pictures) in my view and share (with) others.
2016-05-01 5:30 am
I have never travelled around the 
world, but I have been to many 
countries from an early age. When 
I get the camera, I have always been in the habit of recording anything that I have encountered with so as to lock good memories in my mind. 

I am most interested in a wide variety of 
cultures such as buildings and temples. They can show people's daily lives and civilization in 
that country, I want to photograph 
this beautiful world in my view 
and share this magnifience with my friends.????

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:46:25
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