does god really care what we listen to?

2016-04-30 6:51 pm

like rap,rock,pop,metal,etc


and I also feel like every time I listen to heavy metal something happens I knows its probably nothing and its probably all in my head

回答 (10)

2016-04-30 6:56 pm
God doesn't care because he is absent.
2016-04-30 6:55 pm
Sure he does. He especially cares what you think, where you sleep, and when you touch yourself. Now if that won't make you neurotic, nothing will. Gods a joke and whoever told you he/she exists is also ignorant as F--k!
2016-05-01 12:58 am

He knows people's motives while listening to music and the motives are very important to the Lord.
2016-05-01 12:30 am
He truly does care about everything we think say care and do
2016-04-30 11:33 pm
Hard in this world not to listen to cussing and volgar speech and even bad jokes. Even music today is terrible. So I guess he does care but it is hard not to.
2016-04-30 9:44 pm
2016-04-30 7:07 pm
Not unless it draws us away from Him, and from truth.
2016-04-30 7:02 pm
Of course not. But do not draw a picture of anything in reality. That's a graven image.
2016-04-30 6:57 pm
Yes and so should you.
2016-04-30 6:56 pm
God takes attention of our dailyt behaviour...

"Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice,
So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me" (Proverbs 27:11. Bible).

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