what is your state flag colors?

2016-04-29 8:09 pm

回答 (8)

2016-04-29 8:12 pm
Black,Red and Gold
2016-04-29 8:12 pm
Blue Yellow, some green I think......
2016-04-29 8:10 pm
I have no clue, really..never pay any attention to that kind of stuff.
2016-04-29 9:19 pm
red,blue and yellow
2016-04-29 8:41 pm
Blue, Red, Yellow and White
2016-04-29 8:22 pm
I don't live in a state I live in a province but the flag' colours are red,white ,blue,green and yellow.

2016-04-29 8:19 pm
White, blue, and yellow.
2016-04-29 8:12 pm
Red, yellow, black, and white

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