Is trump the best candidate?

2016-04-29 3:41 pm

回答 (12)

2016-04-29 3:43 pm
2016-04-29 3:42 pm
If you're white American trash he is.
2016-04-29 3:42 pm
2016-04-29 3:52 pm
The established Republicans don't want Trump to be nominated as the GOP Presidential Candidate. Both the established Republicans and Democrats see the same thing about Trump. Trump's ideas will ruin and maybe destroy the America we have all known and love. Also maybe even ruin relations with other countries. That NOT good for America, and could take years to fix up. Trump is the kind of person that could and would say these things about leaders from other countries, "The truth hurts", "Stop being such a cry baby", "Your just a two-bit thug, that all you are." When he is ask by news reporters, how was the meeting with a country's leader.

As for Sarah Palin she is not consider a great or smart female politician, when compare to other female politicians like Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Jackie Speier, Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Barbara Lee, Mazie Hirono, Shelley Moore Capito, Judy Chu, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Kristi Noem and so on. Her supporting Trump don't mean anything and it don't help add anything for Trump at all. She is not going to be able to convince voters to go for Trump and not Ted Cruz or John Kasich.

The people that she can or might be able to are those that not that well educated(only so much). Mainly those that don't have a four year college level type job/career at all, work and live in towns with mostly factory or mining jobs, mountain people and ones like them.

I would think the people that don't want Trump to be President are four year college grads, that are Aerospace engineers, Structural engineers, CIA Analyst, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, College English teachers, Financial analyst, Animators, working in Biotech Human resources, Molecular biologist, CIA Operation Officer in SAD, College math teachers, Business lawyers, Comic book artists, Economic analyst, etc.... They would rather have one of the established Republicans or Democrats be the President of the United States. Even IF they hate anyone of them IT IS STILL BETTER AND SAFER then Trump being President of the United States.
2016-04-29 3:45 pm
2016-04-29 4:27 pm
2016-07-02 9:38 pm
My Yeast Infection Cured :
2016-05-01 3:12 pm
no, the very worst in US history
2016-04-30 1:45 am
No. In fact, one could make very compelling case that Trump is the worst candidate for the Presidency in all of our history as a nation.
2016-04-29 9:27 pm
I don't think so. I'd much rather have Cruz or Kasich. Trump is boorish, vindictive, spiteful, rude, bull-headed and full of himself. The one attribute he claims to have that everyone blindly thinks is a benefit is how he says he can make deals. None of his behavior indicates he does any more than make deals by using a baseball bat! He seems to expect to bully his way through things. He also seems not to be intellectually curious on learning anything he doesn't already have an opinion about. He would be a Right-wing version of Obama. We have had two consecutive presidents who chose not to listen to advice. We don't need a third.
2016-04-29 4:19 pm
2016-04-29 4:05 pm
Only if you care about the future of the republic, more than your personal gain.

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