Do I have a Mental Diorder?

2016-04-29 1:43 pm
I'm 16 and a Guy

I've always had a Hard time making friends but I did have a few back in elementary but by Middle school I didn't really have Any friends until 8th grade and then the friends I had I kinda ruined my relationship with them
Cause Basically I'd message them On my phone and if they didn't respond right away I'd assume they hate Me So I would just constantly message them and then eventually Start messaging them Stuff like **** You I hate You die and **** cause idk I had this idea if people didn't Reply to me they hated me but yeah then by the end of the year I was well known as this really unstable Guy but then I was home schooled and in my opinion I got better but then today I realized I still do have the tendency to get really angry and Sad Over someone not Replying to a message (cause I messaged a Online friend Hey what's Up and they never responded even though they were online) and I messaged him a few more times And then I nearly started Crying and then I got really angry and wanted to Type **** You to the guy but
I've gotten better with that like I no longer start spamming and saying profanity to people when they don't respond right away

I'm just wondering why I Do this if it helps (my mom is kind of crazy she has paranoid delusions that people are stalking her And also My mom is extremely religious and km a atheist also My mom never really allowed me to have friends when I was younger or now like whenever I had one she'd just instantly not like them so .

回答 (1)

2016-04-29 2:23 pm
Your mom's delusions and religiosity are indicative of something she needs help with. A doctor's help.

You, too would benefit from seeing a psychiatrist. You describe a few symptoms that may indicate borderline personality disorder.

A child being raised by a parent who has an untreated psychosis is MORE likely to develop a personality disorder.

You BOTH need to see a doctor, specifically a psychiatrist.

Your mom is likely very religious for a "good" reason. It seems real to her.

There are documented cases of women turned violent by their untreated psychoses.

You both have to want to be treated.

You seem like YOU do, but she'll likely dismiss/minimalize the notion or fly into a vindictive rage.


收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:23:08
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