
2016-04-29 5:14 am
So I've felt very sad for almost a year now. Some days I feel sadder than others. I've considered suicide but I haven't acted on too many of those thoughts. I don't know why I am this sad though. Is this normal? What should I do?

回答 (19)

2016-04-29 5:21 am
Go to a trained professional at once for counseling. Don't wait. My friend was depressed and his idiot doctor sent him to a psychiatrist. They gave him a bunch of drugs that he hated. He just got more and more depressed. One night he took his father's gun and shot himself in the head. He didn't die but now he's blind and paralyzed. It's really sad. Bottom line: get counseling immediately.
2016-04-30 5:51 pm
It will solve this problem if you go out more and explore different places, meet different people.
Positive experiences will help curing this illness. Just stop focus on negativity and immediate turn your attention to your positive desires. Social worker, doctor, psychologist can give you advice, but you need to be more outgoing and friendly towards people. Notice how you feel is important. Try to find a way to become happier is the 1st step. First ask what you want in your life, then start imagine the positive things coming. Second, feel the positive energy that is coming, which would overcome the sadness. Hope this helps. (you can try play games and have fun. it creates positive energy)
2016-04-30 4:59 pm
I'm sorry you feel that way. :(
I suffer depression and anxiety and I have many attacks every few days.
1.I know what you're suffering with but maybe you need to talk to someone you trust or go on a suicide hotline? Those are very helpful.
2.Try exercise or getting into some sport, it takes your mind off depression and lets you focus on what you're doing. (I mean even if you don't like exercise like me, you should try it)
3.Maybe this won't help for others but maybe you should listen to ASMR. (Autonomous sensory meridian response) It's this thing that triggers your body to a small tingling sensation. It's best with headphones, and look up "Anxiety ASMR" and many searches will pop up. It's a slow, quiet, one on one talking and it's very relaxing.
Hope this helped and I hope you get better!
(P.s if you don't get better with these tips try going to a doctor for medicine, I never tried it but I've heard it calms you down a lot!)
2016-04-29 5:34 am
I don't think it's normal for most people but some people it is. it is for me. my doctor says I have a melancholy personality. you should probably see some form of medical person to help you sort it out tho, esp if you are thinking of suicide. I wouldn't jump to take anti depressants tho because those drugs are strong and can worsen things, too. talk it out with a doctor, counsellor, etc. could be hormonal too. things going on in the body can really affect the mind I think more so than the other way around. get good sleep, eat well and talk to a professional about what you are feeling and your concerns.
2016-04-29 5:22 am
Seek professional help if you have suicidal thoughts. Talk with someone you're comfortable talking with and that you know will listen to you first. It can be anyone from family members to friends or somebody else you may know.
Find out why you're sad though, there has to be a reason why.
2016-06-22 5:35 am
40000 Cured Social Anxiety :
2016-04-30 5:47 am
depression and anxiety attack--- a symptom of gaba deficency.
Have you ever wondered why some people always feel great while others always feel depressed or anxious? Scientific researchers have discovered that we are far more dependent on our gut flora that previously thought.

Gaba is an amino acid the body uses as a neurotransmitter to promote a calm sense of well being.gaba is the tranquility in the midst of life s storms. Gaba is what helps us relax and gaba also increases our tolerance to pain. In a deficency of gaba we feel anxiety, fearful, stressed out all the time and unable to relax. In a gaba deficency our pain levels rise.

So how do we make gaba in our bodies? The answer is we dont make it, it is made for us by a certain strain of gut bacteria called lactobacilli rhamnoses. In an absence of this intestinal bacteria our neurological health suffers. We develop anxiety attack and depression. sometimes people slip into such a state of depression they think suicidal thoughts as a result of a gaba deficency.drug and alcohol cravings are often linked to a gaba deficency

So how do we overcome a gaba deficency? First we can take additional gaba as a supplement. It is available at any health food store for cheap.

Next we need to limit the amount of things harmful to our intestinal bacteria such as crops sprayed with roundup, antibiotics, too much colloidal silver, food preservatives like cancer causing bha and bht. Even coffee has a very negative impact on the intestinal microbiome. We then need to replenish benefical bacteria such as lactobacilli rhamnoses and others . Proper gut microflora is just now being recognized in psychology as having a direct cause-effect relationship on mental health.
2016-04-30 3:34 am
I have been working in health care for ten years. I would suggest calling 911 if you feel suicidal or have the thoughts again. I also recommend making an appointment with your health care provider(doctor) to discuss options. They may suggest medication to help you with your depression, counseling, dietary changes etc. Good luck.
2016-04-29 6:28 pm
It's great that you are reaching out for help! We are so sorry to hear that you have been feeling so much emotional pain that you have been contemplating suicide. It really does sound like you have been going through a lot but know that suicide is never the answer. Never give up on yourself; your life has great value.

It's so important that you reach out for support from a trusted adult such as a parent, aunt, uncle, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest getting evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and getting involved in counseling. Please contact 911 if you need immediate assistance. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone.

Counselor, MT
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000,
2016-04-29 6:24 am
Yes. There are two. One is mental depression and the other one is weather depression. Which one do you now have in your mind.
參考: own

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