Is Germany racist against black people?

2016-04-29 1:56 am
Hi I'm an African American who is moving to Berlin, and I want to know if the people of Germany hate black people. And is it better to live in eastern Berlin or western Berlin.

回答 (1)

2016-04-29 1:59 am
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No, American blacks have been in Germany since the 1940s.

I know many black soldiers who are married to Germans.

There is no more east or west Germany. They were reunited back in 1989.

I was there from 1975 to 1979, 1991, 1994, and from 1999 to 2004...(living there for 9 years).
2016-04-29 2:12 am
Nazi Germany was.There might be some breadcrumbs left from it, but the hardcore racism is gone from our world due to its immorality. Tons of people are married to black women/ males. Skin color is not a deciding factor and I'm sure Germany is smart enough to understand that.
2016-04-29 4:10 am
Germany still has plenty of racists but most Germans don;t go out of their way now to harass or demean black people. Most Germans today are civilized people. The real racist dangers for black people are in Eastern Europe- Russia and parts of the old Soviet Union. It is much more civilized for a black man in West Germany than in Russia. or one of the others
2016-08-18 12:21 am
As a light skinned black person that has lived in Germany for almost a year (and now moving out of Germany THANK GOD) let me give you an honest more nuanced answer than any white German ever could. You have to understand that to a German, racism = Nazi. That means to the mind of a German if you are not a bonafide, sieg-heiling skinhead neo-nazi, you are not racist. And they will say things like "we have many black people living in germany so obviously we are not racist! And what about all the migrants we accept? Surely that means we're not racist!" But just because there is no longer an active government sponsored extermination program for minority people, doesn't mean that Germans aren't racist. So no, you will not be beat up on site, or spat upon walking down the street. However, will you be accepted and made to feel welcome? Well, my friend, that is another story entirely. The racism in Germany is deep for anyone that is easily outwardly identifiable as racially/ethnically not German (i.e. white). You will notice the trouble start when you look for housing. Landlords wont call you back, or wont accept you, or tell you its rented and then if you call back a day later pretending to be someone else, it will magically be available again. You will think to yourself, wow, I must really be having bad luck finding an apartment, it can't really be this hard can it? Well, now you know. Secondly, wait till you try to go to or get into nightspots in the city. In 9 out of 10 clubs/lounges you won't get in. No matter how clean cut, and well dressed you are. They will say "oh its a private party tonight", or "reservation only tonight" or, and I kid you know, this was said to me..."We want to keep the crowd European looking tonight". Once I demanded why all the people of color were being rejected to get into a place, while all the white people were allowed, and I got assaulted. When I reported it to the police that was standing nearby, they rolled their eyes at each other, and told me there was nothing they could do, Germany was like that. They can refuse anyone for ANY reason. Next is the stares you will get. God, the stares! And they won't hide the fact that they are staring. Even if you look right back at them, they will not stop. And then there is the N-word, expect to hear it more than a few times. I got called an N-word the first night I arrived in Germany lol. And then this one kid in my language class, asked if I liked "N*gger Music". Basically, for all their lip service about how germany is a tolerant society, its just all talk. Germans are just by their nature xenophobic, and don't like foreigners. And it doesn't matter that the government lets in all these migrants. Ask most Germans on the street, and they will tell you they hate it. Also, no matter how long you've been in Germany, even if you are 3rd generation german that speaks the language perfectly, you will NEVER be German. The Germans won't let you be German. They will ask you were you are from and will never accept "Germany" as an answer. And they will want to know what part of Africa you're family is from. Even if your Afro-American, or Afro-Latino, it doesn't matter, if your a 10th generation afro-cuban, to a German, you are African first. Oh, and god help you if you are a young ethnic child in a German school. Prepare to be marginalized, and basically railroaded into the low level diplomas.
2016-05-04 4:46 pm
German Nationalists are preparing themselves for the imminent civil war with immigrants and Communists.
You had been warned in a friendly manner now.
2016-05-04 6:42 am
Racism is illegal in Germany. You might encounter some hostiles, but most people won't be particularly bothered.

I strongly encourage you to learn as much of the language as you can.

But are you sure you're moving there? Being American, there will be visa issues. This is what you should be concerned with.

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