What is true meaning of life?

2016-04-29 12:59 am

回答 (79)

2016-04-29 1:01 am
There is no true meaning to life in this world.
2016-04-29 5:05 am
Don't you think if we knew the answer that it would be common knowledge? Nobody knows beyond a doubt and it's possible nobody will ever know for sure, so believe whatever makes you happy, stop worrying about it, and live your life. You will find personal meaning in the context of your own experiences.
2016-04-30 3:25 am
Of all earth’s creatures, only man ponders the purpose of life. Do you know why? The Bible gives one reason at Ecclesiastes 3:11. Concerning the Creator, it says: “He has given men a sense of time past and future.” (The New English Bible) Although all living things tend to cling to life, it seems that man is unique in having a concept of time—past, present, and future. Man can meditate on the past and look toward the future, planning for it, yes, even strongly desiring to share in it. And he can become frustrated when he cannot realize his dreams about the future because of the transitory nature of his short life span.
Man alone asks the questions, Why am I here? Where am I going? Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote: “The striving to find a meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man. . . . There is nothing in the world, I venture to say, that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions, as the knowledge that there is a meaning in one’s life.”
Without hope for something better in the future, life seems meaningless. The Bible outlines a wonderful hope for the future. Everlasting life on a paradise life when not one will say “I am sick” There will be an end to old age, sickness, and even death will be done away with. Psalm 37:29 says: “The righteous will inherit the earth and live forever upon it.
To learn more, go to jw.org.
2016-05-02 11:25 pm
Of all earth’s creatures, only man ponders the purpose of life. Do you know why? The Bible gives one reason at Ecclesiastes 3:11. Concerning the Creator, it says: “He has given men a sense of time past and future.” (The New English Bible) Although all living things tend to cling to life, it seems that man is unique in having a concept of time—past, present, and future. Man can meditate on the past and look toward the future, planning for it, yes, even strongly desiring to share in it. And he can become frustrated when he cannot realize his dreams about the future because of the transitory nature of his short life span.
Man alone asks the questions, Why am I here? Where am I going? Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote: “The striving to find a meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man. . . . There is nothing in the world, I venture to say, that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions, as the knowledge that there is a meaning in one’s life.”
Without hope for something better in the future, life seems meaningless. The Bible outlines a wonderful hope for the future. Everlasting life on a paradise life when not one will say “I am sick” There will be an end to old age, sickness, and even death will be done away with. Psalm 37:29 says: “The righteous will inherit the earth and live forever upon it.
To learn more, go to jw.org.
2016-04-29 6:12 am
True is the skeptic's word. As soon as you ask for the TRUE meaning you have rejected the answers as sub par.

Skepticism destroys meaning in life. Hand me a bomb and say "How do you build a bridge with it?" The meaning of life is destroyed by adding true in front of it.
2016-05-17 8:23 am
If you have to understand the true meaning of life I will give you example first. If you bury carrots seed in mud you will get carrots it is not possible to get potato. Same is the reason with life if you do well you will receive good results and same is opposite bad is for bad results. As per my opinion spend your life clock wise so life will give you better opportunities.
2016-05-02 11:57 pm
True is the skeptic's word. As soon as you ask for the TRUE meaning you have rejected the answers as sub par.

Skepticism destroys meaning in life. Hand me a bomb and say "How do you build a bridge with it?" The meaning of life is destroyed by adding true in front of it.
2016-04-30 6:06 pm
Originally there was no meaning of life. The meaning of life is the one you give it. What you give to the meaning of your life will make your meaning of it. What you give is whatever you gonna receive. The truth is, you are an creator of life. You can create any meaning to your life, following your wants and desires. However, you should also follow your instincts and the normal daily routines before you can reach the true meaning of it, otherwise it would never work, as the law of the universe holds. You cannot break the laws of nature, if you break it, you break yourself. So don't forget to follow the laws of nature and your conscience.
2016-04-30 1:48 pm
I'm an atheist so say I will give you a hypothetical if I did believe in a god which I don't but if I did I would have to say and safely assume that God gave us this life to take everything in it and enjoy it to the fullest to take a look around and enjoy the beauty of everything To Love Thy Neighbor, to be nice to be kind be caring and understanding to help others to do your best, and why you might ask? Simply because we were given this life and we only get it once which is why I don't believe in God but I do believe we should be the best person we can possibly be and to enjoy everything that we have and that were given and to give back to others less fortunate, anyways to me that's the meaning of life
2016-04-29 4:52 am
Add more and more knowledge, experience, etc. and gain mental maturity. Simultaneously, go on adding values and virtues day-by-day and thus give a proper meaning to your existing life. I mean demonstrate whatever you have learned so far. Taking meaning of life is inferior. You should prove your worth and give a meaning to your life - that is superior.
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