Do you think it is wrong of her mother to post photos of vacations and trips on facebook even though her own child who doesn't?

2016-04-28 6:02 pm
go on those vacations see's the pictures? We have full custody with her mother only getting every other weekend , her daughter hasn't been on any of these vacations her mother goes on with her husband and thier kids...she has asked in the past and we have said no for various reasons but that doesn't matter i don't think he mother should be putting the pictures up on facebook if her daughter can see them, do you agree? I think its like rubbing it in her face.

回答 (3)

2016-04-28 11:02 pm
The woman has every right to post those pictures, I am sure her daughter knows that you and your husband refused to allow her to go.
2016-04-28 9:04 pm
She can post whatever she wants. Your husband's daughter will learn to be happy for other people. Just because we can't experience everything, doesn't mean we can't be happy for those who do get those experiences.

Not to mention, MOM ASKED TO HAVE HER COME!!!! You guys are the ones making it difficult for her to take her own daughter on a trip. Trips take months of planning, especially for split families. If dad refuses to communicate properly with mom, it isn't going to work out. It doesn't mean the mom is terribly, because the dad isn't willing to effectively communicate.

From your past posts you sound like the typical, evil meddling "stepmothers". News flash, you are not this child's mother, legally or biologically. Back off, and let her father and mother parent. Stay out of it.
2016-04-28 6:14 pm
it is her facebook page, she can post whatever she wants. obviously if she thought the daughter would care, the daughter would be invited along at least some of the time. and if the daughter is old enough to be using facebook then she should be mature enough to just skip past those posts if they bother her, not to mention she is most likelyalready well aware mom and new family are going on vacations without her.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:22:12
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