How long after checking references should a job contact you back?

2016-04-28 2:26 pm
I went in an interview last month after completing the interview I went for an fbi background check and a drug test. After a couple weeks I was told to resend my references. All of my references got an email last Friday and I did too. They told me once they received the references back I would need to do new hire paperwork and they gave me a potential start date of the 16th. All of my references said they emailed the form back so why haven't I heard anything yet? I'm afraid I won't be able to give my other two jobs two weeks notice I want to make sure I'm actually hired before doing so any thoughts?

回答 (2)

2016-04-28 2:55 pm
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Just wait.

By the time this new company gets it together, their hiring process will have taken almost two months. They ought to allow you to give your current employer two weeks' notice. If/when they actually OFFER you a job, THEN you negotiate start date.
2016-04-28 3:55 pm
If you are really talking about a job with an FBI background check...they will understand giving two weeks to your former employer and probably appreciate the professionalism.

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