What are some easy languages to learn?

2016-04-28 4:13 am
I'm thinking of learning Spanish, German,French, or Russian, and I can't think which one will be the easiest for me. My native language is English. So can someone rank in order from 1 to 4 which would be the easiest and which would be the hardest.

回答 (3)

2016-04-28 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
For a native English speaker, French and Spanish are equally easy although beginner Spanish is a little easier due to the spelling and the restricted number of sounds. But the actual difficulty difference is negligible because the advanced grammar is a little more complicated in Spanish.
They both share a lot of vocabulary with English due to French being spoken by the court in England for some time.

German, despite being of the same language family than English is a little harder with a more complex grammar and more or less as much sounds that do not exist in English than in French.

Russia being far and having less influence on England, Russian is the most different from English with a whole different alphabet to learn.

But overall, motivation and exposure will also play a great role in how easy a language will be to learn.
2016-04-28 4:21 am
Well, french was much easier to me.... and I had a love for the language.

When you also have an interest and a desire in something, it will be a lot easier than ever.
2016-04-28 4:18 am
sign language. spanish or french probably easier out of those, esp since russian has a different alphabet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:18:59
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