What is the benefit of finally getting a chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis if there is nothing anybody can do anyways?

2016-04-28 1:35 am
As far as I know all the treatment is left up to the patient as in monitoring pacing, diet, exercise and sleep. Why do people go through years and years of testing just to end up with a diagnosis and be told that it's self treated? I know for a fact I have CFS and have been doing everything I'm supposed to. Do I have to go through all this testing? Half the doctors don't believe you anyways

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2016-04-28 2:08 am
You could take Super B Complex vitamins for more energy. Best to eat fresh fruits and veggies, salads, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, fruit/yogurt smoothies -- and lots of water.

Avoid greasy food, fast food, junk foods, starches, and sweets.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:20:24
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