
2016-04-27 4:03 pm
1Ann: Is it ___ today? Meg: Yes, there are ___ blowing all day.(A)clear:darker clouds(B)windy:stronger winds(C)fine:brighter stars(D)rainy:weaker rocks

2Mia: Jay, do it ___ . Jay: No problem. I will do it ___ my own.(A)himself:of(B)by himself:on(C)yourself:of(D)by yourself:on

3We saw some dolphins swim in the sea and___ with the other sea animals.(A)play(B)playing(C)to play(D)played

4I saw Jimmy ___ with a puppy on my way home.(A)playing(B)played(C)plays(D)to play

5There was an earthquake last night. Did you feel the house ___?(A)shake(B)to shake(C)shook(D)shakes

6Tanya felt excited when she heard the band ___ her favorite song.(A)to play(B)played(C)play(D)plays

7Ben: Jacky tripped and fell during the relay race. Leo: Really? Did he ___?(A)hurt(B)be hurt(C)got hurt(D)hurt himself

8Why do not we look at that old man ___ a picture of ___?(A)to paint:ourselves(B)painting:himsalf(C)paints:herself(D)paint:themselves

9Let's ___ frogs ___ in the pond.(A)hear:sing(B)listen to:singing(C)feel:blows(D)watch: to jump

10Yesterday,Fenny noticed Teresa ___ to the new student in front of the school.(A)talked(B)talks(C)to talk(D)talking

回答 (2)

2016-04-28 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1Ann: Is it ___ today? Meg: Yes, there are ___ blowing all day.(A)clear:darker clouds(B)windy:stronger winds(C)fine:brighter stars(D)rainy:weaker rocks
(B) windy: stronger winds
2Mia: Jay, do it ___ . Jay: No problem. I will do it ___ my own.(A)himself:of(B)by himself:on(C)yourself:of(D)by yourself:on
(D) by yourself: on
Mia的說話是命令句叫Jay…Do it ….從Jay的回答中得知他會”….my own”=自己單獨做這事,因此就算沒選擇題,也能推測句子的用詞;首要是你平時看得多小說或劇集英語。Do it by yourself, do it on my own等都是常用的句。不是(B)是因為Mia是對著他直接叫Jay去自己做,所以不是講述他叫”第三者”。
3We saw some dolphins swim in the sea and___ with the other sea animals.(A)play(B)playing(C)to play(D)played
(A) play
句子主動詞是”SAW”,但是作者以SWIM(第一身原型動詞)來”描述”dolphins(眾海豚)的動作,因此and後句仍是相同的時態詞來繼續描述,所以對稱地用play (不用理會句子所用的描述詞是否寫得”正確”與否)。不要被主動詞是過去式(時態)或句子有多個”動詞”而混亂,因為”看到了”的內容包括牠們”SWIM”和他們跟其他動物”玩”這兩個情景。拆解句子的結構和認識句子結構的分配是基本功。
4I saw Jimmy ___ with a puppy on my way home.(A)playing(B)played(C)plays(D)to play
5There was an earthquake last night. Did you feel the house ___?(A)shake(B)to shake(C)shook(D)shakes
(C) shook
6Tanya felt excited when she heard the band ___ her favorite song.(A)to play(B)played(C)play(D)plays
(B) played
7Ben: Jacky tripped and fell during the relay race. Leo: Really? Did he ___?(A)hurt(B)be hurt(C)got hurt(D)hurt himself
(C) hurt himself
問句的Did取去了時態的過去式,因此問句的動詞便是”原型”,而意思上是要問”他本身有否受傷”,所以必要加上himself。(C)的答案寫法亦是合理的習慣語He got hurt,只是假如成為問句的話便使用同上原則「Did he get hurt?」才算是合文法的句子,(C)的動詞沒有變為”原型”動詞,所以這是錯的選擇。
8Why do not we look at that old man ___ a picture of ___?(A)to paint:ourselves(B)painting:himsalf(C)paints:herself(D)paint:themselves
(B) painting: himself
其他的答案的第一部份跟內容不夾,唯一(A)中說to paint a picture of ourselves(給我們畫畫)在句式上是合理的,但是跟句子的內容前句Why don’t we “look at”的動詞是問”為何我們不去看看/觀察”那老人”給我們畫畫”便不會邏輯了。「為何我們不去看看那老人自畫」是較為合理的情景。
9Let's ___ frogs ___ in the pond.(A)hear:sing(B)listen to:singing(C)feel:blows(D)watch: to jump
(B) listen to : singing
要解釋要明白語意和考慮句子的結構配合。簡單說要習慣使用listen跟singing(music)名詞的關係,而hear跟sound/noise,watch跟jump其實也是正確關係,只是(D)錯用了to jump這不定式動詞便錯了,因為不是你們能叫那些青蛙跳來看。
10Yesterday,Fenny noticed Teresa ___ to the new student in front of the school.(A)talked(B)talks(C)to talk(D)talking
(A) talked
2016-04-28 1:13 am
Past tense matches with past tense,gerund with gerund etc.
(1)B, windy : stronger winds.
(2)D; by yourself : on
(3)D; played
(4)A playing
(5)C shook
(6)B played
(7)D hurt himself
(8)A to paint ; ourselves
(9)B listen to : singing
(10)A talked

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