Should I feel guilty about wanting to commit suicide?

2016-04-27 2:02 am
Like I know that my family loves me and I would never want to do anything to hurt them or pass on my pain to them, but everything's much. I feel there's know other way. I'm very confused.

回答 (4)

2016-04-27 2:03 am
If you're suicidal, you have enough guilt troubling you. No, don't feel guilty. Feel loved, and feel motivated to go and get yourself some help. Suicidal thoughts are not normal; you just need some help getting your mind right again. That's all.
2016-04-27 2:09 am
First of all, seek help. Suicide isn't an answer to anything. In the end you'll hurt the ones who care about you. Second, feeling guilty is one part of being suicidal. Just remember that there are always better options, and that help is always out there.
2016-04-27 2:09 am
I would say call Crisis Intervention, but every time I get off the phone with them, I feel worse than I did before. Guilt is one of the things contributing to your suicidal feelings. At least, that was the problem in my life. I think if you told someone all of the things in your life that are causing you to feel bad, secrets, things nobody else knows, you'd be relieved from some of the problem.

My road to recovery involved therapy, confession, following my prescriptions and of course giving my life over to Jesus Christ. I think when you come to be at peace with yourself and others around you, you ultimately lose those thoughts of suicide.

Finding peace is a road that involves admitting your problems, being open about them with your closest friends and family, and confronting the things you hate most about yourself so that you no longer have any shame. It often gets worse before it gets better, but once you've successfully struggled with those demons, you'll---to borrow from Beowulf---rip their arms off, and they'll go back to their stinkin' pit.

This means forgiving the ones who've hurt you worst, and repenting of the things you've done to hurt others. Forgiveness is an act of kindness toward your enemies that allows you to be at peace with them, so you no longer fear them. If you wish harm on someone, that is just as bad as causing them harm. So, you got to allow those feelings to go away. Repenting is changing your own behavior that is bad, and confessing your bad behavior, and then working every day to allow the Holy Spirit to change you from the inside out.

Hopefully this helps.
2016-04-27 2:06 am
if that guilt gets you to seek help and to start repairing its fine I suppose

but no, guilt regarding your personal pain isnt desirable - its just piling more rubbish atop what already exists

you get one life friend - might as well see if you can make the most of it

ideally you would start by visiting a doc for a physical and mental health assessment - even if just to rule out any organic issues

then seek out a decent therapist - very important early on even if you dont stick with them as it provides you the opportunity to spill whats going on in your head on the floor - trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle whilst keeping all the pieces in the box is near impossible, yes?

other simple ventures like community groups, gardening, volunteering, youth groups and such are an excellent entry to allowing yourself to see the benefits of engaging and give you the boost you need to get moving in the other areas

like many changes we want to make in our lives or skills we wish to acquire it takes a bit of time

it doesnt need to all happen at once, just get the ball rolling

quality role models truly are essential - spending time with well adjusted people and learning from them is one of the most helpful and constructive things any person can do


therapy - to identify issues and develop coping and processing skills - can be done with the aid of a book on CBT or one of its variants if money is tight
diet - eliminate processed foods including sugars, caffeine and alcohol .. make it about fresh fruit and vege, lean meat and fish
exercise - for physical and mental health and use/gain energy
meditation - to develop control and time to reflect and calm
activity - something to feel good about achieving and engage the mind and soul
routine - especially good sleep for health and to have order in life
friendships - healthy relationships are a critical part of engaging with the world and sharing experiences

medication can be useful when its difficult to engage in the stuff above .. so it effectively offers breathing space sufficient to get on with the business of healing but is not a fix of itself (a mistake many people seem to make)

remember to go a little easy on yourself too - putting pressure on yourself for what you perceive as failures or failings will not give you room to heal - no one is judging you as harshly as you are judging yourself

that being said its on you to take ownership of your problems - blaming others or refusing to work on getting better leads nowhere useful

its all doable friend - just needs the effort and belief from you

good luck, good life

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