Is college really necessary to succeed?

2016-04-26 2:30 pm
I'm not sure what I want to do with my life, and parents are pressuring me to go to college, but I don't want to waste money on something I don't want to do. I would rather be uneducated and have financial freedom rather than be in crippling debt. I'm thinking about starting a business, is that a good way to go, or is college really necessary to succeed in modern america?

回答 (7)

2016-04-27 7:35 pm
College is not neccessary to succeed. But a lot of high paying jobs require some sort of degree. Degrees serve as signals to employers, these signals indicate that an individual is hardworking, intelligent, etc. College degrees do help make you successful though. It just makes it easier.
2016-04-26 3:27 pm
College isn't necessary, but it does help. It is more than just a rubber stamp, but don't underestimate the power of that rubber stamp. Whether you're talking to an employer or an investor, the fact that you showed up every day for class and got your assignments completed is very meaningful. You'll also learn how to read, how to write, and how to think critically. If you want to start a ditch-digging business, then you don't need college. You just need a shovel. And advertising. And billing. Ditch diggers don't get paid well.

If you really want to be an entrepreneur, you should get an education in entrepreneurship and in business management. Your local community college has inexpensive courses.
2016-04-26 2:33 pm
College is not necessary, but education is. You don't have to go to college to read books about how to do something. But you need to read the books, or you will just repeat the mistakes others made and fail.
2016-04-26 2:32 pm
You want to start a business. What do you know about accounting, hiring, purchasing, etc. And where will you get the money to even rent a location.

College isn't a necessity if you get trained in a good trade or craft which you can earn a living at. Plumbing, carpenter, mechanic, etc.

A high school grad with no training in anything can't make a living wage. So college or trade school.
2016-04-26 6:43 pm
It depends on your skills, ambition, intelligence, effort, luck and definition of "succeed." There are millions of very happy, self-supporting people who never went to college.

In your case, if you want to start a business you'd need a business plan and a business loan from a bank. If you can do that without college-level business and finance classes, great. Then you need to know about purchasing, inventory, marketing, vendor contract negotiations, lease agreements, hiring, salary, payroll, taxes etc. Again, if you can do that without college, that's great! Many people discover that the real work of owning and running a business is more difficult than it seems and requires you to either have college-level knowledge or be able to hire people with that specialized knowledge and ability.
2016-04-26 4:37 pm
I think college nowadays in any developed countries is like one of the tickets to success but it won't guarantee what you want to achieve.
2016-04-26 4:05 pm
It depends on what you want to do with your life. Many careers require a college education. Many corporations won't promote you without one. But if you're happiest working with your hands, you can make a decent living as an electrician, carpenter, plumber, construction worker, auto mechanic, long-distance truck driver, etc. You can own a chain of fast food restaurants as a guy does in my home town (they call him "The Burger King"). But first you have to get a job or a series of jobs so you can learn some job skills. You need to learn to manage people, cash flow and work flow before you can successfully own your own business.

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