You don't think it is wrong,isn't? You don't think it is wrong,is it? You don't think it is wrong,do you? Which one is correct??????????

2016-04-26 10:56 am

回答 (6)

2016-04-26 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
The little tag at the end of sentences like this always repeats the subject of the sentence.

> YOU don't think it's wrong, do YOU?
> IT isn't wrong, is IT?

Furthermore, the tag reverses the positive-negative of the main clause.
> This ISN'T wrong, IS it?
> This IS wrong, ISN'T it?

Other examples:
> He was late, wasn't he?
> He wasn't late, was he?

> Judy is getting married, isn't she?
> Judy isn't getting married, is she?

> The weather is awful, isn't it.
> The weather isn't bad, is it.

The expression is written as a question, but very often the vocal inflection of the speaker is to make it a declarative statement, not a question. That is often symbolized by omitting a final question mark.

You don't think it's wrong, do you?
2016-04-26 10:59 am
The last one, 'do you' is is the only correct version.
2016-04-26 1:33 pm
you don't think it's wrong do you?
參考: teacher of english as a foreign language.
2016-04-26 3:30 pm
"Do you" is correct because "you" are the one who is thinking. If the subject were "it," then "isn't" would be correct, but, because it isn't the subject, it isn't correct.
2016-04-26 10:57 am
It's wrong
2016-04-26 10:57 am
None of the above.
"Do you think it wrong?
"Is it wrong?"

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