do most people that take up hospitality management at the university get accepted?

2016-04-26 7:22 am

how often do people get rejected

回答 (4)

2016-05-14 4:56 am
You may want to check with the "admissions" dept. at the school of the individual program re: how many seats they have per graduating class and the acceptance rate per year for hospitality management applicants. I came across this post as some individuals were wondering about event planning, and that is typically one of the topics covered in a hospitality management program. It's wise to make sure that the hospitality management program is ACPHA-accredited, too.
2016-04-26 11:25 am
Yes, since not a lot of people are naive enough to go to such ridiculous field.
2016-04-26 8:36 am
Sure as long as you accept the low pay!
2016-04-26 7:44 am
Ask local adults for actual info locally as it varies greatly depending on what country u live in
Ours is hard to get into

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